The Panda Attacks Again: An Epidemic Signals a Relevance Crisis
May 18, 2011
“The Second Wave of Google’s Panda” from Digital Trends, via Yahoo News, takes Google to task for the Panda aftermath, complete with screenshot examples.
The article points to several key Panda problems, in this wave as well as the prior one. First, “scraper sites” are still making it through. Secondly, it seems that U.K. sites get preferential treatment even in the U.S.
The third point is the most sinister. Following mention of Google’s list of questions for webmasters about site quality, writer Molly McHugh states:
“There’s ample concern that Google’s control over search means that it gets to determine the answers to these questions, many of which can vary widely due to personal opinion. And some sites have questioned the fact that no Google-owned properties have been negatively impacted.”
McHugh also points to a lack of response from Google to complaints from affected sites. Many eyes are on Google, which is warranted given its search stranglehold. Stephen E Arnold, the owner of this blog, has just completed his draft of his June 2011 Information Today column. For that interview, he spoke with Web masters who have suffered severe Panda bites. Bottom line: PageRank seems to be wrapped in layers of code which now reduces relevance to a lottery bet. Look for the column in Information Today Magazine sometime in the next three months. Ah, print! I think the Panda epidemic will still be with us then, however.
Cynthia Murrell May 18, 2011