SharePoint Needs Speed Still

May 28, 2011

Speed and efficiency are two attributes that companies want from their content search provider and BA Insight seems to have taken care of them both with its new Longitude Preview for Hosted SharePoint Service.

According to the PR Newswire article “BA Insight Offers Instant Search Result Preview as a Service to Hosted SharePoint Providers” the unveiled its new product at the Tech-Ed North America conference and has already made the service available to interested customers. We learned:

“The new offering enables SharePoint users to view search result content without the need to download the file, and automatically directs users to the most relevant page of their search content.”

With one quick click users will be able to bring up their search results and scan through the content without having to wait to download the entire file and best of all SharePoint customers can easily add the service to their existing options and their customers can begin using it immediately. Perhaps BA Insight has finally met the need for speed? Microsoft, hurry up.

Stephen E Arnold, May 28, 2011

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