Inteltrax: Top Stories, to June 30, 2011

July 1, 2011

Inteltrax, the data fusion and business intelligence information service, captured three key stories germane to search this week, particularly in regards to Data Mining.

First, in “Big Cinemas Storms the US Market by Utilizing Data Mining” we saw how India’s niche cinema operator has pulled in big revenue by strategically opening theaters in the US, plotting its attack with data mining.

In “FEMA Using Data Mining” we saw how the Federal Emergency Management Agency could be better utilizing its data mining services to recover millions of lost funds.

Finally, on the flipside, “Medicare Makes Bold Decisions with Data Mining” saw us concerned with Medicare’s recent opening of its information for data miners and its lack of security for sensitive information.

These three stories explored the upside and the possible downside of data mining. Whether it be used for successful business ventures, government stability or a possible security risk, this technology is a tantalizing reminder of the possibilities forming from years of information collection.

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Patrick Roland, Editor, July 1, 2011


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