IBM OmniFind Security Issue

September 29, 2011

I stumbled upon an obscure tidbit of information that may be useful to those using OmniFind Enterprise Edition software, which enhances the visibility and context of a company’s unstructured information. Corel draw files have been known to give OmniFind an upset technical tummy. Those looking to avoid experiencing such unpleasantness with this program should follow the instructions that I found in the IBM Technical Support Portal entitled Avoiding a Stellent Security Vulnerability With The CorelDraw Libraries in OmniFind Enterprise Edition which states:
Avoid the security vulnerability by removing seven imcd*.flt files from the /lib or /bin directories of the OmniFind Enterprise Edition installation root directory. Removing these files should prevent the security vulnerability without loss of function because OmniFind Enterprise Edition does not use the CorelDraw functions.
It then goes on to list the files that need to be removed in order to restore security. By following these easy steps you can find relief to your OmniFind technical troubles painlessly.

Jasmine Ashton, September 29, 2011

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