An Unlikely Open Source Supporter: LexisNexis
January 24, 2012
We are constantly searching for solutions to Big Data, and LexisNexis says its new HPCC Systems is much faster and better equipped than the well-known Hadoop technology.
The company developed the processing data platform to handle its own research business and wants to expand to other markets. However, that goal may be difficult to achieve following in open source Hadoop’s shadow. The competition is not stopping LexisNexis from attempting to add open source technology, according to the ComputerWorldUK article, “Hadoop Challenger LexisNexis Wants to Add Open Source Developers.” The article asserts:
The company has opened sourced the HPCC platform, and says it is challenging Hadoop in benchmarks. The company says there are now about 1,000 HPCC Systems developers worldwide, most of who have been trained since the platform was opened sourced in June, By contrast, a Hadoop developer conference last summer drew a crowd of some 1,700.
LexisNexis is finally embracing open source? Don’t want to rush do we? Clearly, the company faces a difficult battle here attempting to follow in Apache’s footsteps. It just might be a little late in the game. But a little open source jazz for marketing? Seems okay and trendy.
Andrea Hayden, January 24, 2012
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