Big Data Analytics Boosted by IBM PureSystems

November 8, 2012

Big Data analytics is receiving a much-needed overhaul with a series of platforms from IBM. IBM released a new expert integrated system last month, called PureSystems, which allows users to connect to the system and receive specific pieces of computing power to monitor business operations. The article “IBM Launches New PureSystems for Transactions and Big Data Analytics” on Forbes shares the details of the new platform.

We learn:

“PureData System for Analytics builds on the Netezza acquisition to deliver results in seconds or minutes rather than hours. Francisco said it has the largest library of database analytical functions in the data warehouse market, said Francisco, and can scale across the terabyte or petabytes running on the system. It can support extremely high volume high speed analytics for clients like mobile phone carriers who want to identify potential churn and provide offers to retain customers.”

The article also states that one client has reported the ability to build and deliver more applications in the last three months than in the last three years using the targeted, high-volume, high-speed analytics.

However, we believe that attacking analytics in Big Data is only one piece of the enterprise data management solution. Using integrators such as Intrafind adds another layer of robust and reliable solutions so that enterprises find the data they need to analyze.

Andrea Hayden, November 08, 2012

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