PolySpot Enables Monetization of Data with Information Delivery Networks

December 10, 2012

The question remains on the table for many businesses as to when they will begin to embrace big data as the tool that can revolutionize how they do business. From the Harvard Business Review comes an article “What a Big-Data Business Model Looks Like perfectly suited as reading for organizations who are curious about taking the plunge.

The author describes three main tools he has seen emerge to fit the needs of businesses looking to extract value from big data. The first involves utilizing data to create differentiated offerings. The second concentrates on brokering this information. The third is about building networks to deliver data where it’s needed, when it’s needed.

A quick skim through the article will point any smart business to the third and most exciting software option: delivery networks are said to  enable monetization of data.

The article tells us:

Content creators — the information providers and brokers — will seek placement and distribution in as many ways as possible. This means, first, ample opportunities for the arms dealers — the suppliers of the technologies that make all this gathering and exchange of data possible. It also suggests a role for new marketplaces that facilitate the spot trading of insight, and deal room services that allow for private information brokering.

Information must be in the hands or computers of those who need to use it at the moment they require the specific data. Luckily, PolySpot technologies have the capability to deliver information in this manner.

Megan Feil, December 10, 2012

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