In a Game of Duck Duck Goose, Google is the Goose

December 25, 2012

Google undeniably controls Internet search, but the little guy has not given up yet. DuckDuckGo is the newest competitor in the search engine game and it promises to have “fair search.” News Web sites like The New York Times, Search Engine Land, and hail DuckDuckGo as a “long-term threat to Google search dominance.” The newest Internet star was recently covered in the Search Engine Journal in the article,“DuckDuckGo Vs. Google-The War Get Dirty.”

What makes DuckDuckGo a “fair search” is that it does not track your search history or IP, have your questions answered by more official Web sites than Wikipedia, and the ability to search Facebook, Amazon, YouTube, and many other Web pages.

Google has problems with its rival, though, asserts Gabriel Weinberg—DuckDuckGo’s founder. In the Chrome browser, it is difficult to make DuckDuckGo the default search engine and to override some of Google’s presets the newbie had to create a Chrome plug-in. The reality is that while Google always wants to be number one, it is not going to hinder the competition:

“Manually setting DuckDuckGo as the default search engine for Chrome is quick, and it can be done in Google Chrome settings. …It is really not that complicated, and it’s a matter of seconds to set up. No unfair treatment from Google against DuckDuckGo – any new search engine would need to go through the same process.

Saying that Google purposely harms a competitor’s search engine, in a time when the search giant is being investigated by the FTC for ‘using its power in the market to smother competitors’, is misleading and unfair. It’s fighting dirty – and bad PR.”

DuckDuckGo just might be a little jealous of Google. Weinberg also might be having startup problems, so blaming it on Google is a way out for him.

Whitney Grace, December 25, 2012

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2 Responses to “In a Game of Duck Duck Goose, Google is the Goose”

  1. wbushee on December 25th, 2012 12:04 am

    RT @BeyondSearch: In a Game of Duck Duck Goose, Google is the Goose:

  2. Top 10 search Engines | on January 2nd, 2013 2:39 am

    […] In a Game of Duck Duck Goose, Google is the Goose ( […]

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