Apache Lucene Solr Updates

January 25, 2013

The DZone Big Data/BI Zone has let us know that a new version of Apache Lucene Solr has hit the internet. Apache Lucene Solr 3.6.2 has been unveiled, and it will roll into many other products that build upon the open source code. Read the details in, “Apache Lucene Solr 3.6.2.”

The gist of the release is in the first few lines:

“Apache Lucene and Solr PMC recently announced another version of Apache Lucene library and Apache Solr search server numbred 3.6.2. This is a minor bugfix release concentrated mainly on bugfixes in Apache Lucene library.

Apache Lucene 3.6.2 library can be downloaded from the following address: http://lucene.apache.org/core/mirrors-core-3x-redir.html?. Apache Solr 3.6.2 can be downloaded at the following URL address: http://lucene.apache.org/solr/mirrors-solr-3x-redir.html?

Two products sure to be affected and improved by the update are LucidWorks Search and LucidWorks Big Data. LucidWorks chooses to use Lucene Solr as its foundation because of its dependability, agility, and strong developer and user communities. LucidWorks and any product that builds on open source and is going to be strong, secure, and continuously updated, just by its nature, and therefore a better choice than a proprietary option.

Emily Rae Aldridge, January 25, 2013

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