Original Ways To Use Social Media Data

February 18, 2013

I recently heard on a news program that instead of taking cigarette breaks, people are now taking Facebook, Twitter, or social media breaks. The concept of constantly being connected is integrating into society as a regular, even necessary habit for some people. As a result social media creates a lot of data and organizations want to take advantage of its multiple uses. While social media data provides the standard trends, habits, etc. of people, some organizations have found interesting ways to harness it. Digimind takes a look at “5 Innovative And Original Uses of Social Media Data.”

The article lists five amazing and practical ways universities have used various social media outlets. The University of Bristol tracked the UK’s public mood and found that negativity resulted strongly from poor economic times. The University of Virginia is trying to detect early signs of adverse drug reaction, while Virginia Tech is looking into a project to find vehicle defects for auto manufacturers. Digimind even launched a Web site to track global funding deals in real time. The best, though, involves saving dolphins:

“This is a definite contender for one of the most noble uses of social media ever. Scientists in Australia’s Duke University used data from social media (Twitter, Flickr, Facebook and YouTube) to document ecosystems and development in Western Australia in an impressive bid to protect “the last great marine wilderness left on Earth”.

By using the digital footprint of volunteers to map the state of coastal ecosystems, in particular the snubfin and humpback dolphins, researchers were able to detect where human activities and marine resources overlap and potentially conflict. It’s easy to imagine how a similar social media mapping project could be extended into other areas of conservation to monitor the status of endangered and threatened plants and animals.”

Imagine! Using technology to save the Earth instead of destroying it. Social media information holds a lot of potential to do more than track consumer habits. Maybe it even holds the key to world peace.

Whitney Grace, February 18, 2013

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2 Responses to “Original Ways To Use Social Media Data”

  1. digimindci on February 19th, 2013 4:08 am

    RT @BeyondSearch: DON Original Ways To Use Social Media Data: http://t.co/CRvv2dxs

  2. Harness Your Power on Social Media | Private Business Plans on April 9th, 2013 4:06 am

    […] Original Ways To Use Social Media Data (arnoldit.com) […]

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