Certification For Knowledge Management Moves Forward

May 2, 2014

Information specialist is a broad term used to encompass anyone who manages knowledge in a digital environment. The Digital Journal notes that there is a new title to better specify information workers in the article, “KM Institute To Debits Its First ‘Certified Knowledge Specialist’ Program In Taxonomy And Search Solutions.” The KM Institute is best known as the world’s leading Knowledge Management Certification and the organization’s new class offers the first Certified Knowledge Specialist (CKS) program. The CKS class takes place over four days in April and will focus on search solutions and taxonomy. Taxonomy expert Zach Wahl will teach it.

” ‘We are very excited,’ says Eric Weidner, Director of Business Development and Co-Founder of KMI, ‘not only because we are expanding our curriculum and exploring these important topics in much greater detail, but also because we’ve added such talented experts as Mr. Wahl and others to our team of instructors.’”

While the course offers in depth information on taxonomy and search, there are problems defining what exactly is knowledge and management. While the Certified Knowledge Specialist specifies what type of information it manages, it can also be broadly applied. So much for narrowing down job titles.

Whitney Grace, May 02, 2014
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One Response to “Certification For Knowledge Management Moves Forward”

  1. KMedu Hub’s weekly tweets – week 19/14 | KMedu Hub on May 21st, 2014 7:57 am

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