Autonomy and Search: A Surprise Regarding Search
June 9, 2014
I was flipping through the Overflight links for HP Autonomy. One item caught my attention. The tweet pointed me to the HP Autonomy Web site at this link IDOL is now at version 10.5. Keep in mind that the system was rolled out in 1996, so big leaps are not what I expect. HP defines Autonomy in terms of these functions or applications:
- Big Data Analytics
- Compliance Archiving
- Contact Center Management
- Database & Application Archiving
- Document and Email Management
- Enterprise Search
- Knowledge Management
- Legal Hold
- Litigation Readiness Archiving
- Media Intelligence
- Policy-driven Information Management
- Records Management
- Rich Media Management
- SFA Intelligence
- Storage Optimization Archiving
- Supervision & Policy Management
- Video Surveillance
- Voice of the Customer
- Web Experience Management
- Web Optimization
Quite a list of buzzwords. With Elasticsearch toting around $70 million, it might be difficult for HP to get IDOL to pay off the $11 billion purchase price, grow its top line revenues, and generate enough profit to keep stakeholders happy. One thing HP has going for it. HP is explaining IDOL search somewhat more clearly than IBM describes Watson. By the way, what is “SFA Intelligence.” I suppose I could ask Watson if there were a public demo.
Stephen E Arnold, June 9, 2014