Loons Afloat in Australia

November 17, 2014

I enjoyed reading “Google’s Bal-LOON-y Trial Gets QLD Telstra Spectrum.” If you are a 20 something at heart, there’s a video too.

The point of the write up is to document Google’s teaming with Telstra, a telco with some appetite for interesting ventures.

Loon is a secret Google project to provide Internet to those in the world not yet able to gobble Google results and advertisements.

Australia, based on my travels, has quite a bit of space and not too many people yet. I am not sure how the cost of the Loon works out in terms of ad revenue. Perhaps this is a proof of concept, not a money making play.

I hope the precision and recall of the Google Web search systems gets some attention. More timely index refreshes for less popular content would be a plus too. For now, Loon is getting the resources.

Stephen E Arnold, November 18, 2014


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