Google Puts Wood behind Enterprise Search
May 24, 2015
A couple of years ago, enterprise search at Google was not setting my world on fire. I enjoyed reporting on the cost of the Google Search Appliance, a fail over component, and the services required by a Google partner to make the GSA sing and dance the way the licensee wanted. I listened to Googlers for little bits of gossip. One of the items which I was not able to verify was that there were not enough engineers working on the GSA. Other activities at Google beckoned. See, for example, my write up about the robotic teddy bear or run a search for the Loon balloon thing.
I read “Google Labs for Enterprise Search” and learned that those rumors were wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Google Enterprise Search is not just the exciting, job creating engine embodied in the Google Search Appliance. Enterprise search embraces Google Intranet search and the Google Mini. I thought the Mini was history.
Wait. A newspaper for enterprise search reported this story as if it were recent. Well, the undated story about Google is not recent. The article comes from something called “In the Googleplex” and it is a Google hobby site.
So maybe I was not wrong, wrong, wrong.
I highlight this item because folks writing and curating information about search do not date their articles. Google is date challenged, which is one reason the GOOG has funded Recorded Future and its time technology.
Pumping out old information as if it were “fresh” just confuses the already credibility challenged search and content processing sector. Maybe no one cares or most readers are content to accept baloney as sirloin.
Stephen E Arnold, May 24, 2015
2 Responses to “Google Puts Wood behind Enterprise Search”
Oh dear… Now I feel guilty, well, just a little bit.
In the Googleplex is my mostly abandoned Google hobby blog, back when I thought Google was awesome and I wanted to work there one day. I wrote that post about enterprise search back in 2011. My post is date stamped in the URL as August 2011, and so is the post itself. You are entirely correct: The Google Blue Mini has indeed been retired. It was the only piece of business computing hardware that I’d ever heard of that had no extended maintenance option. I used to read the Blue Mini user support on Google Groups. After three years, Google just said, “buy a new one”, they wouldn’t provide any support.
I don’t work for Google. I used to work for IBM, as a storage products performance engineer, but that was a long time ago!
What is the URL for the newspaper for enterprise search that reported my story as recent? You didn’t include that.
I have a theory about what might have happened. I was chatting with a Scala evangelist friend on Twitter, a few nights ago. We were talking about the demise of the Blue Mini and maybe even GSA. I posted the URL to my old blog entry. Maybe that’s how the unnamed newspaper got it? They should have noticed the date! It is nearly four years old!