Metaphor of the Week: Hadoop Is Not Like a City

August 30, 2015

Navigate to “Five Open Source Big Data Projects to Watch.” You will a little learn about Flink, Samza, Ibis, an incubating Twill, and Mahout-Samsara. That’s just the starter. The write up had a heck of a finisher.

Here’s the passage I highlighted in bright orange:

If this small sampling of some of the many Big Data open source projects out there shows anything, it’s that Hadoop isn’t merely like a city, but rather a major metropolitan area. It has its suburbs, where its mayor has no jurisdiction, and where political beliefs may differ from those in the center of town. But it has its core character and it must be treated as a market in its own right. Practitioners have to approach “greater” Hadoop, not just the core project itself, or they risk missing trends in its adoption and evolution.

Isn’t open source great? No wonder mid tier consultants tippy toe around open source technology. Volunteers. Who needs them in Consultingland?

Stephen E Arnold, August 30, 2015


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