Quote to Note: Big Data Must Be Small

November 16, 2015

The consulting firm KPMG Chine tweeted a quote I found worthy of my Quote to Note folder. You may be able to read this gem in this tweet, at least for now.

Here’s the quote attributed to Dr. Mark Kennedy, whom I presume is either a KPMG expert or an advisor to the blue chip firm:

To get value from Big Data, make it small.

That quote seems to complement the definition in “Big Data Explained in Less Than 2 Minutes to Absolutely Anyone”; to wit:

The behind the phrase ‘Big Data’ is that everything we do is increasingly leaving a digital trace (or data), which we (and others) can use and analyze. Big Data therefore refers to that data being collected and our ability to make use of it.

Does this mean that Big Data are just data with spray on marketing silicone? Definitions of big and small might be helpful. The fish I caught last summer was this big.

Stephen E Arnold, November 16, 2015


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