Weekly Watson: Watson for President
February 10, 2016
I don’t want to confuse you. Watson for President has nothing to do with IBM. But, it is an election year, so maybe this is just some of that good, old campaign misdirection.
Now to the froth of the matter. A Web site is online which makes a case for electing IBM Watson, the cognitive choice, as president.
Here’s what a news conference would look like if and when IBM’s Lucene, acquired technology, and home brew scripts takes over America.
I like the hair style.
The Web site points out:
What makes Watson unique is its interface capabilities with humans. It not only interacts by speech but has a visual representation to convey its current state. Just in the same way humans have facial expressions to convey emotions, Watson changes its visual form to express its level of confidence in a selected answer. Wouldn’t the country be better if all politicians were that transparent?
There is a discussion of issues, but no reference to Watson’s ability to deliver on fiscal promises. I noted that turnover among staff is another lacuna. Watson has “weathered” another change among its human tenders.
Enjoy the videos and support Watson. Here’s what one happy supporter looks like:
Rah rah.
Stephen E Arnold, February 10, 2016