Google Decides to Be Nice to

March 18, 2016

Google is a renowned company for its technological endeavors, beautiful office campuses, smart employees, and how it is a company full of self-absorbed and competitive people.  While Google might have a lot of perks, it also has its dark side.  According to Quartz, Google wanted to build a more productive team so they launched Project Aristotle to analyze how and they found, “After Years Of Intensive Analysis, Google Discovers The Key To Good Teamwork Is being Nice.”

Project Aristotle studied hundreds of employees in different departments and analyzed their data.  They wanted to find a “magic formula,” but it all beats down to one of the things taught in kindergarten: be nice.

“Google’s data-driven approach ended up highlighting what leaders in the business world have known for a while; the best teams respect one another’s emotions and are mindful that all members should contribute to the conversation equally. It has less to do with who is in a team, and more with how a team’s members interact with one another.”

Team members who understand, respect, and allow each other to contribute to conversation equally.  It is a basic human tenant and even one of the better ways to manage a relationship, according to marriage therapists around the world.  Another result of the project is dubbed “psychological safety,” where team members create an environment with the established belief they can take risks and share ideas without ridicule.

Will psychological safety be a new buzzword since Google has “discovered” that being nice works so well?  The term has been around for a while, at least since 1999.

Google’s research yields a business practice that other companies have adopted: Costco, Trader Joes, Pixar, Sassie, and others to name a few.  Yet why is it so hard to be nice?


Whitney Grace, March 18, 2016
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