Short Honk: Alphabet Google and Health Investments

March 24, 2016

Short honk: This is an important article in my opinion. “Sergey Brin’s Search for a Parkinson’s Cure” reports that Mr. Brin exercises. He dives. I noted this passage:

With every dive, Brin gains a little bit of leverage—leverage against a risk, looming somewhere out there, that someday he may develop the neurodegenerative disorder Parkinson’s disease. Buried deep within each cell in Brin’s body—in a gene called LRRK2, which sits on the 12th chromosome—is a genetic mutation that has been associated with higher rates of Parkinson’s.

Also, I highlighted this passage:

It sounds so pragmatic, so obvious, that you can almost miss a striking fact: Many philanthropists have funded research into diseases they themselves have been diagnosed with. But Brin is likely the first who, based on a genetic test, began funding scientific research in the hope of escaping a disease in the first place.

A number of questions zipped through my mind. I won’t raise them. Perhaps the write up explains the “solving death” project and provides some insight into various Alphabet Google investments. In short, an article with information of some import to those who seek to understand the Alphabet Google thing.

Stephen E Arnold, March 24, 2016


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