HonkinNews for 15 November 2016 Now Available

November 15, 2016

The weekly Beyond Search news video is available at this link. Stories include Mr. Thiel goes to Washington, the “best” entity extraction software and the not-so-best systems. You will learn the latest about the Yahoot security consequences, and more. The video also includes information about the US government’s open source code Web site. Stephen E Arnold points out that the Darpa Dark Web open source code is not included in the Code.gov offerings. Never fear. The Darpa listing does appear in the forthcoming Dark Web Notebook. If you want a copy of this new Beyond Search study, write benkent2020 at yahoo dot com and reserve your password protected PDF today.

Over the New Year’s break three, free special seven minute programs will air on December 20, December 27, and January 3, 2017, HonkinNews will run a weekly seven minute video. Each video presents the principal takeaways from Stephen E Arnold’s Google Trilogy: The Google Legacy (2004), Google Version 2 (2007), and Google: The Digital Gutenberg (2009). The information remains timely even though Alphabet Google is in a somewhat excited state of shifting in order to generate revenue as the volume of searches from the desktop declines squishing Google’s online ad methods for old fashioned Internet access.

Kenny Toth, November 15, 2016


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