Tips for DCGS Vendors Staff If RIFed

December 4, 2016

DCGS (pronounced dee-sigs by those inside the Beltway and dee-see-gee-ess by folks in Harrod’s Creek) may be heading to some changes. What is DCGS? Who are the DCGS vendors? What are the contracts worth?  DCGS is a 15 year old project to provide one screen with federated intelligence, war fighting, and Web information. What are the contracts worth? Lots. Think hundreds of millions for some Beltway outfits. Some of the vendors appear in the list below:

dcgs vendors

Now to the meat of this write up. Here are the top 10 tips for DCGS incumbent vendors to have on hand if [a] their employer loses some DCGS deals, [b] employees and contractors working on DCGS projects get fired, RIFed, or terminated but without extreme prejudice, or [c] need some ideas to prepare for a future elsewhere (perhaps Palantir?).

Tip 10

Identify six different Starbuck’s  and rotate your visits. You don’t want the “regulars” to know you are flipping rocks for work.

Tip 9

Hit Second Story Books or Capitol Hill Books for a copy of the classic job hunters’ manual What Color Is Your Parachute?

Tip 8

Convert your home office into an AirBnB rental to generate some extra dolares en efectivo.

Tip 7

Inform your significant other that he/she has to get a second job, possibly at Wendy’s or McDonald’s.

Tip 6

Add more content to your Microsoft LinkedIn résumé. (Note: Do not select need the “secret” job search option. You do not have an employer.)

Tip 5

Switch to Sunmark antacids with calcium instead of Whole Foods’ select mixed nuts.

Tip 4

Sign up to drive for Uber.

Tip 3

Tell your children they need more exposure to diversity and will switch to local public schools immediately.

Tip 2

Inform your family that holiday gifts will be purchased at the Montgomery County Thrift Shop in Bethesda or the Goodwill in Ashburn.

Tip 1

Cancel that cruise to the Norwegian fjords. Vacation this year is a trip to Wal-Mart Supercenter on Georgia Avenue NW.

Please, have a footless and fancy free 2017. Plus, remember to sign up for unemployment.

Stephen E Arnold, December 4, 2016


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