Googling on the Google Pixel: Let Us Count the Ways

February 6, 2017

I read “There Are Too Many Ways to Google on Android.” I don’t use a Google Pixel phone. What’s interesting about the write up is that the litany of options underscores one big point about the Alphabet Google thing: Getting organized is not part of the company’s ethos. In the Google quest to offset the erosion of the desktop boat anchor desktop search ad model, Google is putting search in places which seem to have surprised the with-it author of the “There Are Too Many Ways…” article. The options include:

  • Allo
  • Assistant
  • Chrome
  • GBoard
  • G button
  • Google Now thing or whatever it is called
  • Screen search

The idea seems to be that putting search as many places as possible will generate clicks. Clicks spawn ads some hope.

Stepping back, Google Pixel is emulating the featuritis I once heard senior Googlers says was a Microsoft disease.

For me, it hints at desperation and a lack of product focus. Hey, where is that Universal Search? Obviously not in the Google Pixel.

Stephen E Arnold, February 6, 2017


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