IBM Watson: Horning in on the WKS Model

August 7, 2017

If you paid attention in sociology class, you might have heard about the Willem Kleine Schaars Model or WKS for short. This is a reasonably well known way to make sense of individuals with psychological disabilities. I was interested when I read an email from IBM to me stating:

Tired of wasting time creating and fine tuning your custom machine learning models? Rules-based approaches can often shorten development time and improve accuracy. Register for our webinar, Accelerate WKS model development with a rule-based approach, on Wednesday, August 9 at 10AM PT to learn how to build rule-based models and save time by using them to pre-annotate machine learning models.

There is nothing so disappointing as the idea of a better way to to perform WKS classifications.


IBM’s WKS means the Watson Knowledge Studio. There’s no getting around the fact that humans or wizards like my goslings have to write rules and plug them into Watson.

My suggestion is:

Either get a better acronym or automate Watson’s expensive, tedious, error prone, difficult, and time consuming preparatory steps for a Watson deployment.

Otherwise I might slip into a different Willem Kleine Schaars’s category. Yikes!

Stephen E Arnold, August 7, 2017


One Response to “IBM Watson: Horning in on the WKS Model”

  1. Will K. on September 22nd, 2017 8:59 pm

    Thank you for sharing, very informative.

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