Social Media: Must Have Information

June 13, 2018

At the intel and LE conference in Prague, one of the items of received wisdom was, “Social media is very, very useful.” What struck me last week was that this view seemed to be held by authorities throughout the world. Just a few years ago, social media was a great unknown. Today it is known and highly desired.

Text-based social media tools, such as Twitter and Facebook remain the kings of social media in English-speaking countries like the United States and Great Britain. However, this is not the case around the world, where visual social media tools are overtaking them. We learned more from a recent ZD Net story, “What’s Driving Middle East’s Rush to Social Media?”

According to the story, Facebook is very popular in Saudi Arabia and UAE, but Snapchat, Instagram and the like are absolutely exploding.

“However, in some Middle East countries, Facebook use has dropped substantially, by up to -20 percent, since 2013. Reasons for this decline aren’t clear but may include privacy concerns and preferences to use newer and more visually orientated social networks.”

Eastern Europe and the Middle East are two geographic areas where visual social media has gained traction. The marketing world is already hip to this trend. Many wise ad agencies and brand-centric marketers are touting the power of visual social media to construct a company’s narrative and brand. This is not just a blip on a radar, but a global phenomenon that is poised to leave text-based social media in the dust.

Local and regional data sources complement the information generated by their US based counterparts.

Patrick Roland, June 13, 2018


One Response to “Social Media: Must Have Information”

  1. bán nhà ??t ???ng V??n Lài on June 14th, 2018 9:28 am

    bán nhà ??t ???ng Nguy?n V?n Y?n

    Social Media: Must Have Information : Stephen E. Arnold @ Beyond Search

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