AI Be Dumb Compared To Humans

December 24, 2018

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are supposed to solve everyone’s problems like smart analytics and big data were supposed to a few years ago. Yet it, as with everything, has its limitations and AI is really lagging behind the hype. CNET explains how dumb AI is in the article, “ ‘AT Is Very, Very Stupid,’ Says Google’s AI Leader, At Least Compared To Humans.”

Andrew Moore is one of Google’s vice president and the leader for the company’s AI cloud division. Moore said that AI is good at doing some tasks, but the algorithms cannot think outside the box or do any creative thinking. He does not want people to think he’s against AI, on the contrary, Moore is a huge AI supporter.

At the moment, the AI technology is limited, but it is great for certain tasks. These include language translation, mimicking human speech, and catching credit card fraud. The biggest AI breakthrough, however, was nine years ago and nothing has happened since. Will there be another breakthrough? Of course, but they have not discovered it yet.

“ ‘People feel whoever gets to GAI first maybe has a real edge in the world, but it’s questionable whether it’s going to happen or when it’s doing to happen…’ But for today’s AI technology, Moore is happy to see the glass as half full. ‘There is so much that we could do to increase safety of people in the world and increase productivity just using the existing tool sets,’ he said.”

How about making an AI that does not make humans obsolete? At least that is some time away.

Whitney Grace, December 24, 2018


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