DarkCyber for February 5, 2019, Now Available

February 5, 2019

DarkCyber for February 5,2019, is now available at www.arnoldit.com/wordpress and on Vimeo at https://www.vimeo.com/315073592. The program is a production of Stephen E Arnold. It is the only weekly video news shows focusing on the Dark Web and lesser known Internet services.

This week’s story line up includes: Alleged money laundering via the popular Fortnite game; and an excerpt from Stephen E Arnold’s “Dark Web, Version 2” lecture at the University of Louisville.

The first story explains how bad actors launder money via the online game Fortnite. The game allows players to purchase “digital assets” by purchasing via a credit card. The credit card funds allow the player to acquire V Bucks. These V Bucks can be converted to weapons, information, or other in-game benefits. But the digital assets can be sold, often on chat groups, Facebook, or other social media. In the process, the person buying the digital assets with a stolen credit card, for example, converts the digital assets to Bitcoin or another digital currency. Many people are unaware that online games can be used in this manner. Law enforcement will have to level up their game in order to keep pace with bad actors.

The second story is an excerpt from Stephen E Arnold’s invited lecture. He spoke on January 25, 2019 to an audience of 50 engineering students and faculty on the subject of “Dark Web, Version 2.” In his remarks, he emphasized that significant opportunities for innovation exist. Investigators need to analyze in a more robust way data from traditional telephone intercepts and the Internet, particularly social media.

Arnold said, “The structured data from telephone intercepts must be examined along with the unstructured data acquired from a range of Internet sources. Discovering relationships among entities and events is a difficult task. Fresh thinking is in demand in government agencies and commercial enterprises.” In the video, Mr. Arnold expands on the specific opportunities for engineers, programmers, and analysts with strong mathematics skills.

A new blog Dark Cyber Annex is now available at www.arnoldit.com/wordpress. Cyber crime, Dark Web, and company profiles are now appearing on a daily basis.

Kenny Toth, February 5, 2019


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