Zippy New Media Outfit Criticized

July 26, 2019

I have read a lot of news on Medium and have come to regard it as a reasonable outlet for news. There is bad news on the horizon for the Medium as a blogging medium says The Web Design Report in the article, “Is Medium In A Downward Spiral?” Professional bloggers, businesses, and others have used Medium as a choice blogging platform for promotion. Content blogging is a surefire way for an individual or organization to establish their authority no matter what the field. Medium is beloved because it is simple to use, has decent presentation, curates audiences within the platform, and is free.

Medium is an easy platform to use from writing to publishing content, but it is hardly something professionals should use. When content is published on Medium, the entire post screams Medium rather than the actual content. There are subscribe buttons and annoying pop-up ads. Readers are ceaselessly barraged with Medium advertising, even if they tell it to go away. This is the problem:

“Why do we do content marketing in the first place? To educate readers, of course. But to what end? We want them to see us for the authority that we are. By providing them with valuable insights they can’t get on their own, we demonstrate what a great asset we would be.  But how are you supposed to do that when most traces of your brand are gone? It’s not that Medium doesn’t give you an opportunity to share a bio for yourself or to enable readers to follow you. The problem is with the way Medium positions your content on the site. “

Medium does absolutely nothing, but promotes itself. Your brand, expertise, and search engine presence will not exist on the Medium blogging platform.

Another negative is how Medium publishes its posts. Formats for videos and images are not only basic, but creators do not have any control how they are formatted.

The best way to build traffic for your brand is to create your own Web site, where you control the content, design, ads, and traffic flow. It takes time to gain Google’s attention, but the organic growth its better than having Medium steal traffic from you Web site. Think of it like growing a garden. You plant the seeds, water, the sun shines, and the seed slowing grows into a mature, healthy plant. If you overwater, fertilize, or do not pay attention to the amount of sun the seed receives, the plant will never grow. If a helpful gardener comes along, a tiny shoot can be dug up and transplanted in a more appropriate environment.

Whitney Grace, July 26, 2019


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