Microsoft and Software Problems

September 30, 2019

Microsoft wants DarkCyber to trust its cloud solutions. Not going to happen.

Navigate to “Windows 10 Problems Are Ruining Microsoft’s Reputation – and the Damage Can’t Be Understated.” The article asserts:

Reputation deflation is the path to damnation…

What? The data dignity company is on the path to hellfire?

We learned from the article:

According to ACSI, customer satisfaction with software for PCs has dropped by 1.3% compared to last year, with Microsoft slipping the most out of all software makers with a 3% decrease. The report further notes: “According to ACSI data, customer perceptions of quality have deteriorated significantly for Microsoft over the past year, as the manufacturer has encountered a host of customer issues with its Windows 10 updates.”

The write up stated:

This bug-related reputational damage isn’t just about desktop operating systems, though. The wider public perception of Microsoft flailing around in an almost amateurish fashion could well have a knock-on effect when it comes to the levels of trust in the company, and all those future dreamy cloud products we mentioned at the outset could be subsequently affected…

Microsoft wants to catch up with Amazon. Amazon, on the other hand, does not seem worried about catching up with Microsoft.

Microsoft may be creating problems for itself.

Stephen E Arnold, September 30, 2019


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