Google Has Done It: A New Microsoft Office in Gmail
July 17, 2020
I read “Gmail Redesign Turns It into a One-Stop Productivity Suite.” After 20 years of Office envy, the Googlers have crafted a way to out Office office. I have often wondered why Word’s many features are beyond my ken. I have marveled at Powerpoint’s fascinating interface, and I enjoy Excel’s propensity to generate erroneous results. Hey, it is just rounding stuff. Worry not!) Here’s how the new Office shakes out:
- The old Office stuff
- Video conferencing
- Many, many Google helpers like the remarkable Calendar.
Yep, the good old Microsoft Office has met its match for now. Everyone wants to spend his or her day within the fleshy arms of Mother Google and under her watchful gaze. Confidentiality anyone?
Stephen E Arnold, July 17, 2020