The Amazon Digital Zeus: One Bezosverse with Many Clouds

November 3, 2020

I read “AWS Hearts Multi-Cloud? It’s Gonna Happen” because of the words “hearts” and “gonna.” Interesting. The main point of the write up is that Amazon has a digital planet. There will be one sky over the planet, and Amazon will provide the air conditioning and heating to make life comfortable.

The write up includes some nifty lingo; for example:

  • Any cloud
  • Cross cloud
  • Multi cloud
  • Poly cloud.

Consultants repurposing themselves from failed Covid and pandemic gigs are in business. The opportunities for analyses, studies, and reports are plentiful.

The write up contains an interesting factoid, which I have not been able to verify. Here it is in its naked glory:

In fact, when we [Cloud Irregular] surveyed 26,000 cloud builders this summer at A Cloud Guru, about 75% of them identified AWS as their company’s primary cloud. But basically the same number said they also have some workloads running on Azure or GCP. Again, nobody is doing this as a strategic choice, it’s just reality. 3 out of 4 cloud shops are cheating on AWS.

That is a heck of a sample: 26,000 developers!

Amazon wants to be the center of the Bezosverse, which makes sense from Mr. Bezos’ point of view I assume. The write up notes:

They are the velociraptors of cloud, and as long as they are willing to cannibalize their own offerings in the pursuit of customer value, they will remain hard to beat.

But is the future secure for the Bezosverse? The write up concludes with this Delphic observation:

“Multi-cloud is the killer value prop AWS just can’t compete with” is no longer the only safe bet in startup land. Every dinosaur in the virtual re:Invent expo hall is just asking to get hit with an asteroid. Brace for impact.

I am braced.

Stephen E Arnold, November 3, 2020


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