Whom Do You Trust? Humans or Humans Who Fiddle Algorithms?

April 19, 2021

I find it fascinating that people trust “computers” programmed by human more than the humans employing programmers. “People Trust Computers More Than Humans: Study” reports:

Despite increasing concern over the intrusion of algorithms in daily life, a new research shows that people are more likely to rely on algorithms than humans, especially if a task becomes too challenging.

One useful possibility for these data, assuming they are accurate, is that the future belongs to the individuals who understand algorithms and have access to systems in which the numerical recipes and procedures are embedded.

So what? A bright future for the one percent in a position to influence when, where, when, and how with regard to smart software. Searching Google and using an automated teller machine do not translate to deep understanding of software systems and methods.

Stephen E Arnold, April 19, 2021


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