Facial Recognition: Trouble for Thirsty Teens
February 7, 2022
I spotted an interesting item on the BBC Web site. (At some point, the article may be removed as Mother Beeb does her on-going content clean up.) The story is “Supermarket Cameras To Guess Age of Alcohol Buyers.” Some young people use falsified documents in order to purchase products with age controls. These have been handcrafted at home, obtained from a friend at a football match, or purchased via Telegram. Due to the legal risk of providing a tasty room temperature alcoholic beverage to someone too young to purchase the fine drink legally, stores have had to rely of keen eyed employees. Yeah, well, that doesn’t work too well in the age of Covid and it never worked in many situations. The write up explains that the controversial technology of facial recognition will be used by some stores and probably drinking establishments to help verify the age of the would be imbiber. The write up states:
The trial will use cameras that can estimate each customer’s age. It is part of a Home Office test of technologies to assist with the selling of alcohol.
I wonder if the images will be captured and stored? Will the system rely on smart software or a combination of a database of faces and artificial intelligence? Will the system “learn” and improve its accuracy?
So far: No answers.
Stephen E Arnold, February 7, 2022