TikTok and Facebook: Which is Othello? Which Is Iago?

March 16, 2022

I spotted a short item in Mashable, a very “real news” online service. The story is “Facebook Joins TikTok. Keep Your Enemies Close, We Guess.” The earth shaking news is that a me too outfit has obtained an account on another me too service. The write up states:

Facebook has just launched on TikTok, following in the footsteps of Instagram. In other words, Meta’s companies are really making a home for themselves on a competitor platform.

Okay. There is one quite important observation in the article. Here is my “quote” of the day:

Once again, the vortex of apps on apps is expanding.

The idea is that a service like TikTok is spawning applications which use TikTok as a platform. I think the idea is “meta”, no pun intended.

If one wants eyeballs, why not go where the eyeballs are?

Will there be a software app to allow a user to publish Facebook and Instagram content simultaneously to TikTok?

I can hardly wait. As that social media expert Willie of Stratford wrote:

Trifles light as air are to the jealous confirmations strong as proofs of holy writ.

Yep, jealousy and me-too’ism — a potent mixture.

Stephen E Arnold, March 16, 2022


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