UK Court Not into MI5, MI6, and GCHQ Methods

July 1, 2022

I read “After Landmark Legal Defeat MI5 Will Have to Get Authorization to Snoop.” In my recent lecture for the Massachusetts Association of Crime Analysts, I pointed out that the political environment for certain types of information collection was volatile. Furthermore, even open sources of information come in shades of gray. This means that information available on the Web could in some situations be deemed inappropriate for use by government authorities.

The write up states:

Liberty lawyer Megan Goulding said: “This judgment is a major victory in the fight against mass surveillance. The court has agreed that it’s too easy for the security services to get their hands on our data.

Some will be happy with this ruling; others will not be thrilled. What’s clear is that the “golden age” for certain types of information access is changing. Will the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand fall in line?

Stephen E Arnold, July 1, 2022


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