Bayes and the Good Old Human Input

July 25, 2022

Curious about one of the fave mathematical methods for smart software? You may want to take a look at the online version of Bayes Rules! An Introduction to Applied Bayesian Modeling. A hard copy is available via this link. The book includes helpful explanations and examples. Topics often ignored by other authors get useful coverage; for example, the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. I liked the chapter about non0normal hierarchical regression. The method promises some interesting surprises when applied to less-than-pristine data sets; for example, cryptic messages on a private Telegram channel or coded content from a private Facebook group. Good work and recommended by the Arnold IT team.

More general knowledge of human input methods can be helpful. Some talking about the remarkable achievements of smart software can overlook the pivot points in numerical recipes tucked into training set formation or embedded processes.

Stephen E Arnold, July 25, 2022


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