Amazon Embodies Modern Management: Efficient, Effective, Encouraging
January 16, 2025
A dinobaby-crafted post. I confess. I used smart software to create the heart wrenching scene of a farmer facing a tough 2025.
I don’t know if this write up is spot on, but I loved it. Navigate to “Amazon Worker – Struck and Shot in New Orleans Terror Attack – Initially Denied Time Off.” If the link is dead, complain to MSFT, please. (Perhaps the headline tells the tale?) The article pointed out:
Alexis Scott-Windham was celebrating the New Year with friends on Bourbon Street when a pickup truck mounted the sidewalk and rammed a crowd shortly after 3 am local time. She was treated in hospital after the back of her right foot was run over by the vehicle, and she was also shot in the foot. The bullet remains in her limb while doctors work out the best course of action to remove it while she recovers at home. The regional Times-Picayune newspaper interviewed Scott-Windham, who revealed she had been denied medical leave by the Amazon warehouse where she works for a medical checkup in two weeks’ time. The mother feared if she was absent from work for that appointment, she would lose her job.
Several observations are warranted:
Struck means that the vehicle hit her. That would probably test the situational awareness of a Delta Force operator walking with pals to the Green Beans.
Shot. Now when a person is shot, there is the wound itself. However, the shock and subsequent pain are to some annoying. I knew a person who flinched each time a sharp sound interrupted a conversation. That individual, who received a military award for bravery, told me, “Just a reflex.” Sure. Reflex. Hard wired decades after the incident in the Vietnam “conflict.”
Fear of being fired for injuries incurred in a terrorist incident. That’s a nifty way to motivate employees to do their best and trust an organization.
Herewith, the dinobaby award for outstanding management goes to the real or virtual individual who informed the person injured in the terrorist attack the Outstanding Management insignia. Wear it proudly. When terminating people, the insignia is known to blink in Morse code, “Amazon is wonderful.”
Stephen E Arnold, January 16, 2025
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