How To: Create Junk Online Content with AI
January 16, 2025
A dinobaby produced this post. Sorry. No smart software was able to help the 80 year old this time around.
Why sign up for a Telegram SEO expert in Myanmar or the Philippines? You can do it yourself. An explainer called “AI Marketing Strategy: How to Use AI for Marketing (Examples & Tools)” provides the recipe. The upside? Well, I am not sure. The downside? More baloney with which to dupe smart software and dumb humans.
What does the free write up cover? Here’s the list of topics. Which whet your appetite for AI-generated baloney?
- A definition of AI marketing
- How to use AI in your strategy for cutting corners and whacking out “real” information
- The steps you have to follow to find the pot of gold
- The benefits of being really smart with smart software
- The three — count them — types of smart software marketing
- The three — count them — “best” AI marketing software (I love “best”. So credible)
- A smart software FAQ
- How to “future proof” your business with an AI marketing strategy.
Let me give you an example of the riches tucked inside this EWeek “real” news article. The write up says:
Maintain data quality
Okay, marketers are among the world’s leaders in data accuracy, thoroughness, and detail fact checking. That’s why the handful of giant outfits providing smart software explain how to keep cheese on pizza with glue and hallucinate.
Why should one use smart software to market? That’s easy. The answer is that smart software makes it easy to produce output which may be incorrect. If you want more benefits, here’s the graphic from the write up which explains it to short-cutters who don’t want to spend time doing work the old-fashioned way:
A graphic which may or may not have been produced with smart software designed to create “McKinsey” type illustrations suitable for executives with imposter syndrome.
This graphic is followed by an explanation of the three — count them — three types of AI marketing. I am not sure the items listed are marketing, but, hey, when one is doing a deep dive one doesn’t linger too long deep in the content ocean with concepts like machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. (I am not joking. These are the three types of AI marketing. Who knew? Certainly not this dinobaby.
The author, according to the definitive write up, possesses “more than 10 years of experience covering technology, software, and news.” The home base for this professional is the Philippines, which along with Thailand and Cambodia, one of the hot beds for a wide range of activities, including the use of smart software to generate those SEO services publicized on Telegram.
Was the eWeek article written with the help of AI? Boy, this dinobaby doesn’t know.
Stephen E Arnold, January 16, 2025
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