Exclusive Interview: Mark Bennett of LucidWorks
March 5, 2013
Engineer Mark Bennett says it’s the tools that matter. Beyond Search agrees. Having tools and talking about tools are two very different things.
Mr. Bennett, co-founder of New Idea Engineering, recently brought more than twenty years’ enterprise search experience to LucidWorks, along with knowledge across major commercial search platforms, superior mathematics and physics-related disciplinary training, and a history in the search industry, including an early tenure at Verity, one of the pioneers in enterprise and large-scale information retrieval back in the 1990s.
Mark Bennett of LucidWorks, a member of their core enterprise search engineering team, recently granted an exclusive interview to the Arnold Information Technology Search Wizards Speak series to discuss the trajectory of search in 2013. LucidWorks is the leading developer of search, discovery, and analytics software based on Apache Lucene and Apache Solr technology. The full text of the interview is available at http://goo.gl/eoeuz.
He told Beyond Search:
“In a nutshell: search, analytics, and content processing vendors have to recognize that what is needed to allow developers to use the product is different from what is required to sell the product and deliver software which users embrace,” Bennett said about the immediate future of search products. “The challenge that keeps search specialists engaged is the problem of dealing with outliers—bizarre business requirements that every project seems to unearth. Outliers are the new norm.”
Bennett recalls a talk with a vendor ten years about a particularly tough search problem. Then, the vendor “ticked off a half dozen reasons why it was really very hard to solve and not worth the effort.” Years later, open source people visited the same problem, came up with a similar list, and diligently worked through those items. “LucidWorks, for instance, delivers facets, suggestions, advanced file storage, and high performance without the punishing costs of proprietary solution,” Bennett explained.
Stephen E. Arnold, Managing Director of Arnold Information Technology and publisher of the influential search industry blog Beyond Search, said:
“In my analysis of open source search, I rated LucidWorks as one of the leading vendors in enterprise search. Other firms with open source components have not yet achieved the technical critical mass of LucidWorks. Proprietary search vendors are integrating open source search technology into their systems in an effort to reduce their technology costs. At this time, LucidWorks is one of the leading vendors of enterprise and Web-centric search. Firms like Attivio (http://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=236514#.US9fGzBcgug) and ElasticSearch (http://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=237410) ElasticSearch are racing to catch up with LucidWorks’ robust technology, engineering and consulting services, and training programs.”
Bennett commented on the differences between LucidWorks and other retrieval solutions companies. “Despite all the comparisons done lately, the target audiences for most open source solutions are very different,” he explained. “If you spin up a copy of Solr you’ve got a very powerful Web user interface, and LucidWorks gives you even more of an administrative user interface. But when you fire up ElasticSearch, you’ve got a REST API.”
Bennett still often works from the Unix command prompt. “But when I watch a Windows or Mac power user for a day, and then watch a Unix command prompt guru—both get a lot of work done. My point is that each is a different type of power user. By the way, I work from the Unix command prompt myself.”
His point is that vendors need to be able to address the user interface preferences. “I do wonder what happens when an ElasticSearch developer hands off an application to a busy information technology person or an operations team to manage. Either those new owners are will need to know the ‘Web command line’ (URL and JSON syntax) extremely well, or if not, an administrative framework will be needed.”
LucidWorks is a step beyond more commercial proprietary search systems, in Bennett’s opinion, because it serves both groups of users. “Our professional services team has experience with many of other search engines. Chances are we’ve worked with many of the pieces before and know how to crack tough problems quickly. If an issue is a first time event, I am confident we can develop a solution.” He added:
“LucidWorks has delivered an open source enterprise search solution which accomplishes two things,” Arnold said. “First, it is an excellent alternative to many proprietary information retrieval systems. Second, the system takes the rough edges off some open source search solutions which add to an organization’s costs, not keeping them within budget allocations.”
Search is not a “one size fits all” solution, Bennett confirmed. “So while some engines drop features that ‘only three percent of people will ever use’, other groups realize that it’s the tools that matter.”
Visit the LucidWorks website at http://www.lucidworks.com.
Donald Anderson, March 5, 2013
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Exclusive Interview: Tom Reamy KAPS Group
February 27, 2013
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Exclusive Interview: Miles Kehoe, LucidWorks
January 30, 2013
Miles Kehoe, formerly a senior manager at Verity and then the founder of New Idea Engineering, joined LucidWorks in late 2012. I worked with Miles on a project and found him a top notch resource for search and the tough technical area which was our concern.
I was able to interview Miles Kehoe on January 25, 2013. He was forthcoming and offered me insights which I found fresh and practical. For example, he told me:
You know I come from a ‘platform neutral’ background, and I know many of the folks involved with ElasticSearch. Their product addresses many of the shortcomings in Solr 3.x, and a year or two ago that would have been a coup. But now, Solr 4 completely addresses those shortcomings, and then some, with SolrCloud and Zoo Keeper. ES says it doesn’t require a pesky ‘schema’ to define fields; and when you’re playing with a product for the first time, that is kind of nice. On the other hand, folks I know who have attempted production projects with ES tell me there’s no way you want to go into production without a schema. Apache Lucene and Solr enjoy a much larger community of developers. If you check the Wikipedia page, you’ll see that Lucene and Solr both list the Apache Software Foundation as the developer; Elastic Search lists a single developer, who it turns out, has made the vast majority of updates to date. While it is based on Apache Lucene, Elastic Search is not an Apache project. Both products support RESTful API usage, but Elastic requires all transactions to use JSON. Solr supports JSON as well, but goes beyond to support transactions in many formats including XML, Java, PHP, CSV and Python. This lets you write applications to interact with Solr in any language and with any protocol you want to use. But the most noticeable difference is that Solr has an awesome Web Based Admin UI, ES doesn’t. If you’re only writing code, you might not care, but the second a project is handed over to an Admin group they’re bound to notice! It makes me smile every time somebody says ES and “ease of use” in the same sentence – you remember the MS DOS prompt back in 1990? Although early adopters enjoyed that “simplicity”, business people preferred mouse-based systems like the Mac and Windows. We’re seeing this play out all over again – busy IT people want an admin UI – they don’t want to spend all day at what amounts to a “web command line”, stitching together URLs and JSON commands.
I found this comment prescient. I learned about a possible issue triggered by ElasticSearch in “Github Search Exposes Passwords Then Crashes.”
I pressed Mr. Kehoe for key points of differentiation in open source search. I pointed out that every vendor is rushing to embrace open source search. Some do it with lights flashing like IBM and others operate in a lower profile manner like Attivio. He told me:
Just as we have different products and services for our customers, we can customize our engagements to meet our customers’ needs. Some of our customers want to have deep product expertise in-house, and with training, best practice and advisory consulting, and operations/production consulting, we help them come up to speed. We also provide ongoing technical and production support for mission critical applications – just last month an eCommerce site ran into production problems on the Friday afternoon before Christmas. We were able to help them out and have them at full capacity before dinner. Not to dwell on it, but what sets LucidWorks apart is the people. We employ a large number of the team that created and enhances Lucene and Solr including Grant Ingersoll, Steve Rowe and Yonik Seeley. We also have significant expertise on the business side as well. At the top, Paul Doscher grew Exalead from an unknown firm into a major enterprise search player over just a few years; my former business partner Mark Bennett and I have built up deep understanding of search since our Verity days in the early 1990s.
Important information for those analyzing search systems I believe.
You can read the full text of the interview on the ArnoldIT Search Wizards Speak series at http://goo.gl/31682. Search Wizards Speak is the largest, no cost, freely available collection of interviews with experts in search and content processing. There are more than 60 interviews available. You can find the full series listing at http://www.arnoldit.com/search-wizards-speak/ and http://arnoldit.com/wordpress/wizards-index/.
Stephen E Arnold, January 30, 2013
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Dr. Jerry Lucas: Exclusive Interview with TeleStrategies ISS Founder
January 14, 2013
Dr. Jerry Lucas, founder of TeleStrategies, is an expert in digital information and founder of the ISS World series of conferences. “ISS” is shorthand for “intelligence support systems.” The scope of Mr. Lucas’ interests range from the technical innards of modern communications systems to the exploding sectors for real time content processing. Analytics, fancy math, and online underpin Mr. Lucas’ expertise and form the backbone of the company’s training and conference activities.
What makes Dr. Lucas’ viewpoint of particular value is his deep experience in “lawful interception, criminal investigations, and intelligence gathering.” The perspective of an individual with Dr. Lucas’ professional career offers an important and refreshing alternative to the baloney promulgated by many of the consulting firms explaining online systems.
Dr. Lucas offered a more “internationalized” view of the Big Data trend which is exercising many US marketers’ and sales professionals’ activities. He said:
“Big Data” is an eye catching buzzword that works in the US. But as you go east across the globe, “Big Data” as a buzzword doesn’t get traction in the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific Regions if you remove Russia and China. One interesting note is that Russian and Chinese government agencies only buy from vendors based in their countries. The US Intelligence Community (IC) has big data problems because of the obvious massive amount of data gathered that’s now being measured in zettabytes. The data gathered and stored by the US Intelligence Community is growing beyond what typical database software products can handle as well as the tools to capture, store, manage and analyze the data. For the US, Western Europe, Russia and China, “Big Data” is a real problem and not a hyped up buzzword.
Western vendors have been caught in the boundaries between different countries’ requirements. Dr. Lucas observed:
A number of western vendors made a decision because of the negative press attention to abandon the global intelligence gathering market. In the US Congress Representative Chris Smith (R, NJ) sponsored a bill that went nowhere to ban the export of intelligence gathering products period. In France a Bull Group subsidiary, Amesys legally sold intelligence gathering systems to Lybia but received a lot of bad press during Arab Spring. Since Amesys represented only a few percent of Bull Group’s annual revenues, they just sold the division. Amesys is now a UAE company, Advanced Middle East Systems (Ames). My take away here is governments particularly in the Middle East, Africa and Asia have concerns about the long term regional presence of western intelligence gathering vendors who desire to keep a low public profile. For example, choosing not to exhibit at ISS World Programs. The next step by these vendors could be abandoning the regional marketplace and product support.
The desire for federated information access is, based on the vendors’ marketing efforts, is high. Dr. Lucas made this comment about the existence of information silos:
Consider the US where you have 16 federal organizations collecting intelligence data plus the oversight of the Office of Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). In addition there are nearly 30,000 local and state police organizations collecting intelligence data as well. Data sharing has been a well identified problem since 9/11. Congress established the ODNI in 2004 and funded the Department of Homeland Security to set up State and Local Data Fusion Centers. To date Congress has not been impressed. DNI James Clapper has come under intelligence gathering fire over Benghazi and the DHS has been criticized in an October Senate report that the $1 Billion spent by DHS on 70 state and local data fusion centers has been an alleged waste of money. The information silo or the information stovepipe problem will not go away quickly in the US for many reasons. Data cannot be shared because one agency doesn’t have the proper security clearances, job security which means “as long as I control access the data I have a job,” and privacy issues, among others.
The full text of the exclusive interview with Dr. Lucas is at http://www.arnoldit.com/search-wizards-speak/telestrategies-2.html. The full text of the 2011 interview with Dr. Lucas is at this link. Stephen E Arnold interviewed Dr. Lucas on January 10, 2013. The full text of the interview is available on the ArnoldIT.com subsite “Search Wizards Speak.”
Worth reading.
Donald Anderson, January 14, 2013
Exclusive Interview with the CTO of Cybertap
December 4, 2012
Cybertap is a company which pushes beyond key word search. The firm’s technology permits a different type of information retrieval.
In an exclusive interview with ArnoldIT, Cybertap revealed that hidden within the network traffic are malicious attacks, personal and medical information leaks, and insider theft of intellectual property and financial information. Cybertap’s clients use Recon to keep tabs on the good and the bad being done on their networks and who’s doing it, so that they can take the proper actions to mitigate any damage and bring the individuals to account.
Dr. Russ Couturier, Chief Technology Officer of Cybertap, recently granted an exclusive interview to the Arnold Information Technology Search Wizards Speak series to discuss Cybertap Recon, a product that applies big data analytics to captured network traffic to give organizations unparalleled visibility into what is transpiring both on and to their networks.
Until recently, the firm’s technology was available to niche markets. However, due to the growing demand to identify potentially improper actions, Cybertap has introduced its technology to organizations engaged in fraud detection and related disciplines. The Cybertap system facilitates information analysis in financial services, health care, and competitive intelligence.
Dr. Couturier said:
Recon is able to decrease risk and improve your situational awareness by decreasing the time to resolution of a cyber event and by improving your knowledge of what happened during a cyber event. We are incorporating big data analysis techniques to reduce the meaningless data and quantify the meaningful information using categorization, semantic, and sentiment tools,” Couturier said. “Recon presents the information as it was originally seen so analysts can follow conversations and threads in context.
The firm’s system processes content, embedded files, attachments, attributes, network protocol data, metadata, and entities. Developers incorporated semantic analysis tools to “roll-up” large volumes of data into what they call “themes” and “topics.” This aggregation enables researchers to more quickly decide whether information is relevant.
He added:
Mash ups and data fusion are crucial when dealing with big data. You can search, visualize, link, and reconstruct exactly what happened from the primary source and reduce investigation times by hours or days.
Cybertap is one of a handful of content processing firms taking findability to a new level of utility. The firm’s system combines next-generation methods with a search box and visualization to provide unique insights into information processed by the Cybertap system. The full text of the interview is available at www.arnoldit.com/search-wizards-speak/cybertap.html.
Cybertap LLC’s vision is to integrate the best-of-breed cyber forensics, analysis, and security technologies. Cybertap serves all markets requiring solutions next generation data analysis tools including: federal government markets, both civilian and Department of Defense agencies; commercial markets; and state and local governments. The privately held company has offices located in Vienna, Virginia; Englewood, Colorado and Palmer, Massachusetts.
The system is important because it underscores the opportunities for innovators in information retrieval and analysis. Cybertap combines search with a range of functions which allow a combination of alerting, discovering, and finding. In my experience, few products offer this type of pragmatic insight without the costs and complexities of traditional systems built by cobbling together different vendors’ products.
Search Wizards Speak is the largest collection of interviews with innovators and developers working in search and content processing. An index to the more than 60 interviews is available at http://www.arnoldit.com/search-wizards-speak/.
Additional information about Cybertap LLC is available at http://www.cybertapllc.com.
Stephen E Arnold, December 4, 2012
Exclusive Interview with Rosoka NLP Developer, Mike Sorah
November 21, 2012
I continue to learn about companies with high-value content processing technologies. The challenge in real-time translation, if one believes the Google marketing, is now in “game over” mode. The winner, of course, is Google. Other firms can head to the showers and maybe think about competing in another business sector.
But some of that Google confidence may be based on assumptions about Google’s language processing expertise, not more recent systems and methods. I know. This is “burn at the stake” information to a Googler.
However, I saw a demonstration which made clear to me that Google’s “kitchen sink” approach to figuring out how to handle speech input and near real time translation may not be in step with other firm’s approaches. The company with some quite interesting translation technology and a commitment to easy integration is IMT Holdings. The privately held company’s product is Rosoka.
IMT Holdings, Corp. was founded in 2007. Our background is in US government contracting. In the course of the firm’s work, Mr. Sorah saw that the existing NLP or Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools were not able to handle the volumes and complexities of the data they needed to process. In December of 2011, IMT began actively marketing its NLP technology.
I was able after some telephone tag and email to interview Mike Sorah, one of the co-founders of IMT and one of the wizards behind the Rosoka technology.
Mr. Sorah told me:
Many of the existing NLP tools claim to be multilingual, but what they mean is that they have linguistic knowledge bases usually acquired from vendors who provide dictionaries and libraries that make NLP an issue for many licensees. But most of the NLP system don’t process documents that contain English and Chinese or English and Spanish. In the world of our clients, mixed language documents are important. These have to be processed as part of the normal stream, not put in an exception folder and maybe never processed or processed after a delay of hours or days.
The Rosoka system is different from other NLP and translation systems on the market at this time. He asserted:
In most multilingual NLP systems, the customer needs to know before they process the document what language the document is so they can load the appropriate language-specific knowledge base. What we did via our proprietary Rosoka algorithms was to take a multilingual look at the world. Our system automatically understands that a document may be in English or Chinese, or even English and Spanish mixed. The language angle is huge. We randomly sample Twitter stream and have been tweeting the top 10 languages of the week are. English varies between 35 to 45% of the tweets. Every language that Rosoka can process is included. Our multilingual support is not not sold as separate, add-on functionality.
You can read the full text of the interview with Mike Sorah in the ArnoldIT.com Search Wizards Speak series at this link. More information about IMT and Rosoka is available from the firm’s Web site, http://www.imtholdings.com.
Stephen E. Arnold, November 21, 2012
Exclusive Interview: Chris Westphal, Visual Analytics
November 12, 2012
With the hype surrounding analytics, I have difficulty separating the wheat from the Wheaties when it comes to companies offering next-generation . Since the election, some individuals have been positioned as superstars of analytics. (The full text of my interview with Mr. Westphal appears in the ArnoldIT Search Wizards Speak series at this link.)
I am not comfortable with political predictions nor the notion of superstars. I did some checking and got solid referrals to Chris Westphal, one of the founders of Visual Analytics. The company has a solid client base in the world where analytics are essential to security and risk mitigation.
Mr. Westphal was gracious with his time, and I was able to speak with him in Washington, DC and then continue our discussion via email. In the course of my conversations with Mr. Westphal, he provided a different perspective on the fast-growing analytics sector.
His company, Visual Analytics or VAI is a privately-held company based in the Washington, DC metropolitan area providing proactive analytical, decision support, and information sharing solutions in commercial and government marketplaces throughout the world for investigating money laundering, financial crimes, narcotics, terrorism, border security, embezzlement, and fraud.
He told me that his firm’s approach and its success are a result of focusing on client problems, not imposing a textbook solution on a situation. He said:
We are problem driven. One of the most important areas we have found that separates us from much of our competition is the ability to deliver actual “analytics” to our end-user clients. It is not simply running a query looking for a specific value or graphically showing the contents of a spreadsheet. Our approach is to exploit the patterns and behaviors that are hidden with in the structures and volumes of the data we are processing. Our system effectively taps multiple, disparate sources to deliver one of the industry’s only federated data access platforms. We continue to focus on how to create algorithms (in a generic fashion), that can detect temporal sequences repeating activities, commonality, high-velocity connections, pathways, and complex aggregations.
One of the keys to Visual Analytics success is the company’s distinction between analytics and monitoring. Mr. Westphal pointed out:
The world is full of very good data management systems. There are databases, crawlers, indexers, etc. Our approach is to provide a layer on top of these existing sources and provide “interface-compliant-queries” to pull out relevant content. In about 90 percent of our engagements, we take advantage of the existing infrastructure with little to no impact on the client’s information technology processes, networks, or hardware footprint. If special processing is required, we tune the data management application to best meet the structure of the data so it can be processed/queried to maximize the analytical results. One other discussion is to differentiate “analytics” from “monitoring.” Much of our capability is to expose new patterns and trends, define the parameters, and verify data structures, content, and other key factors. Once we’ve locked in on a valuable pattern, we can continue to look for the pattern or it can be recoded into another system/approach (e.g., like is typically done with inline transactional systems) for real-time detection. The hard-issue is detecting the pattern in the first place.
The technical approach of Visual Analytics relies on open source and proprietary systems and methods. Mr. Westphal noted:
We have a very robust data connection framework consisting of different methods for different purposes. The core “connectors” are for relational databases and are based on standard database connector protocols. Our system also has drivers to other platforms such as information retrieval systems, various enterprise systems, plus the ability to create custom web services to expand, where necessary, to handle new sources or systems (including proprietary formats – assuming there is a Web-service interface available. We also have Apache Lucene built into our application at the data-layer so it can crawl and index content as needed. We try to make options available along with guidance about each approach. We offer a collection of methods to deliver the right-content for meeting a wide range of client needs. We always reference “contextual analytics” which basically means providing the actual content or pointers to content for any data entity – regardless of where it resides.
The full text of the interview is available at http://goo.gl/2y6T8. After my discussions with Mr. Westphal I remain convinced that the notion of next generation analytics is more rich and mature than some applications of next generation analytics.
Stephen E Arnold, November 12, 2012
Exclusive Interview with Runar Buvik Searchdaimon
October 9, 2012
Runar Buvik, one of the founders of Searchdaimon, told Search Wizards Speak, “Searchdaimon is easy to get started with. It ships ready to run and don’t requires any consultants etc. to get you started. We also have a price advantage over comparable systems.”
In an exclusive interview, Mr. Buvik explains how the combination of robust features, a commitment to openness, and competitive pricing makes Searchdaimon a solution for many organizations.
The company was a spinoff from the information retrieval community at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Fast Search & Transfer SA, now a unit of Microsoft, was developed by engineers from NTNU. Today, Google and Microsoft have research labs in Trondheim, a city with a strong reputation in information retrieval.
Magnus Galåen and Runar Buvik started working on search and retrieval in 1998. Both studying information retrieval at NTNU. In 2002 we met investors with an interest in information retrieval, Stian Rustad and Espen Øxnes. The idea was that we would commercialize the search technology we developed. Today Searchdaimon is growing rapidly in Europe and the US.
The main features of the system are comparable to the features and functions available from HP Autonomy, Endeca, Exalead, and other aggressively marketed systems. For example, Searchdaimon offers filtering, sorting, content federation, search suggestions, spell checking of user queries, stemming and lemmatization, a graphic interface for the administrative services, logs, statistics, and the other components of a modern enterprise information retrieval system. The Searchdaimon system is an enterprise search solution that can index different content types scattered across multiple servers and storage devices. The system offers full text search to end users.
Mr. Buvik said:
The customer can use either on premises or a cloud-based approach. We designed the system to make it easy to deploy Searchdaimon ES in many ways. Most of our customers either run the system as a virtual machine on the customers VMware/ XEN/ VirtualBox servers or in a cloud.
The system is competitively priced and comes, out of the box with filters to index Web sites, RSS feeds, SharePoint, Microsoft Exchange, Twitter, Zendesk, SuperOffice, WordPress and most types of file shares and databases.
The full text of the interview is available at http://goo.gl/xueGc.
Search Wizards Speak is the largest collection of interviews with leading professionals in search, text analytics, and content processing, There are more than 60 interviews available without charge on the ArnoldIT.com Web site. An index of the interviews is at http://goo.gl/mtOSZ.
Stephen E Arnold, October 9, 2012
Sponsored by Augmentext
Interview with Joe Pullizzi, Content Marketing Expert
September 18, 2012
We came across a fascinating interview with Joe Pullizzi, a content marketing expert and one of the kingpins of the Content Marketing Institute. Content marketing is an important method for building a brand and enhancing a company’s public relations program. He said about the rapid changes now taking place in marketing:
It comes down to a fundamental change, in my opinion. Consumers are in complete control. They manage the entire buying process themselves. They have all the information they need at their disposal. Interruption strategies still work to get their attention, but it takes a lot of money. Content marketing is the ultimate David versus Goliath opportunity. Today, any company with a great story can be found, and their content will be shared. Some of the fastest growing companies in the world are leveraging content marketing strategies. And it’s only just begun.
He added:
In my opinion, there will be a need for long-form content. However, shorter form content is the searcher’s delight. Just as the Web has not replaced TV or radio, Apps will not replace any other channel out there. It’s just another channel where we can communicate with customers, which involves a whole different set of processes.
You read the full interview in HighGainBlog at http://wp.me/p2dChp-rL. For more information about the Content Marketing Institute, visit CMI’s Web site.
Stephen E Arnold, September 18, 2012
Sponsored by ArnoldIT
Exclusive Interview: Franz Kogl, Intrafind
July 10, 2012
Germany is a hot house for search, semantic, and content processing vendors. Most of them are not widely known outside of Germany. Intrafind, based in Munich, has been in business for more than a decade. The company is anchored in search solutions. I had heard about Intrafind, but I did not have much first-hand information about the company. In London in June, I spent some time with Franz Kögl and found that the firm has a number of high profile clients and, like a number of other companies, has found success with open source technology.
I asked Mr. Kögl about his view of search in 2012. He said, “The future every modern application will be ‘search enabled.’”
The company’s approach is refreshing. He told me:
Our approach is, “Think big, start small.” Many of our customers start with an application like an internal search. We then can extend the service piece by piece. For example, a new requirement comes from another department or business unit. It is pretty typical for us to start work in a single department. Then the client decides to use our iFinder as corporate search solution. What is special about our approach is that we combine computer linguistics within information retrieval. It’s not the idea itself which is unique, but the way we have implemented it.
On the subject of big data he said:
Huge amounts of data are frequently discussed at client meetings. We can handle almost any volume of data. We have different methods to match specific client situations. If updating the index is a key consideration, we work with the client to make clear that the update time of the full-text index is largely dependent on the connected sources and the attendant system.
To read the full text of the interview, navigate to “IntraFind AG: An Interview with Franz Kögl.” The ArnoldIT Search Wizards Speak subsite contains more than 60 interviews with professionals in the search and content processing sector. You can find the index to the interviews on the Wizards Index tab. A complete listing also appears on the Search Wizards Speak subsite.
Stephen E Arnold, July 10, 2012
Sponsored by HighGainBlog