Big Data Search Made Better with LucidWorks

March 19, 2013

LucidWorks has caught the attention of Mark Smith at Ventana Research. He takes a deeper looks at the LucidWorks search and Big Data offerings in his open letter, “Big Data Search is Getting Better with LucidWorks.”

Smith sums up the LucidWorks’ offerings:

“LucidWorks has two product offerings in the search market. LucidWorks Search provides the ability to rapidly set up search and index content using Apache Solr. The company not only provides full commercial-grade support and services and a security framework, but has also improved on Solr’s usability for developers and business users. Solr, built on top of Lucene, is an enterprise platform that provides full-text search, dynamic clustering, geospatial search and other enterprise-class capabilities . . . LucidWorks is definitely a vendor to examine if you are looking to bring enterprise-class search to your organization and big data deployments.”

It is no surprise that LucidWorks is catching the eye of a global research organization. Enterprise search, and Big Data specifically, is on the lips of all developers these days. It is good to know that research is available to steer buyers in the right direction. LucidWorks seems to be well-supported, and a great value.

Emily Rae Aldridge, March 19, 2013

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