Google Dominance May Be Waning

April 11, 2013

Google is the reigning king of search, but some say that may be changing. After all-time highs in March, Google stock has slipped in early April. Chris Crum, in his article, “Will Google Ever Stop Dominating Search?” addresses some of the reasons for the subtle decline.

He says:

“Forbes, for example, has a piece out today called ‘Four Reasons Google’s Stock Is Slowing Down.’ The first two reasons listed in this article are directly related to this issue: 1. Losing search market share and 2. Shift to mobile search. The author references a New York Times article making the rounds today, in which the case is made that people, particularly on mobile, are choosing other services first, based on the type of information they’re looking for.”

Some predict that a combination of smaller specialized services will eventually take Google’s place, particularly on mobile. And while Google is not going anywhere anytime soon, it is a sign that the landscape of search is changing. One of the areas where a specialized service makes sense is enterprise search. A solution like LucidWorks is much better suited to the subtleties of the enterprise than a generic mega-solution like Google Analytics or SharePoint.

Emily Rae Aldridge, April 11, 2013

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