Hadoop Heats Up with New Startups

May 8, 2013

While there is some controversy over whether Hadoop is the only necessary tool to mine opportunities from big data, Hadoop and insights from big data seem to be synonymous according to Datamation’s recent article. They give us the rundown on “Seven Hot Hadoop Startups that Will Tame Big Data.”

According to this article, the current Hadoop ecosytem market is worth around $77 million. With growth, the value is projected to be at $813 million by 2016. The article notes that Hadoop has not been proven as completely effective in the enterprise world. Queries are still a weak point.

The article discusses seven startups that intend on seeing Hadoop through into maturity like Alpine Data Labs. The following excerpt explains why they are on this list:

“According to Alpine Data, part of the problem is that it’s much too difficult to get real insights out of Hadoop and other parallel platforms. Most companies don’t know what to do with massive datasets, and few have gotten any further with Hadoop than batch processing and basic querying. Alpine Data set out to simplify machine-learning methods and make them available on petabyte-scale datasets. Their tools make these methods available in a lightweight web application with a code-free, drag-and-drop interface.”

With the amount of attention on Hadoop over the years, Hadoop start ups are not a commodity. A list featuring a selection of the new ones to watch is much appreciated. Check out the full and useful list of hot Hadoop start ups.

Megan Feil, May 08, 2013

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