Ingersoll Brings Crowd Sourced Intelligence to Berlin Buzzwords

May 21, 2013

Berlin Buzzwords is an upcoming conference for developers and users of open source software devoted to the themes of search, store, and scale. Keep a close eye on this exciting conference in the emerging European market. Grant Ingersoll, co-founder of LucidWorks will deliver a presentation on June 4th entitled, “Crowd-sourced Intelligence Built into Search over Hadoop.”

The presentation overview states:

“This session will provide details on how search engines can be abused to use not text, but mathematically derived tokens to build models that implement reflected intelligence . . . The session will describe how to integrate Apache Solr/Lucene with Hadoop. Then we will show how crowd-sourced search behavior can be looped back into analysis and how constantly self-correcting models can be created and deployed. Finally, we will show how these models can respond with intelligent behavior in realtime.”

LucidWorks has been getting a lot of press lately for its integration with Hadoop in the newest MapR venture. The partnership makes sense, bringing LucidWorks’ track record in enterprise together with the scalability and processing capabilities of Hadoop. Everyone wins. If you are in the area, do not miss Berlin Buzzwords.

Emily Rae Aldridge, May 21, 2013

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One Response to “Ingersoll Brings Crowd Sourced Intelligence to Berlin Buzzwords”

  1. Conferences, knowlege sharing, Berlin Buzzwords | Andraz Tori Blog on June 19th, 2013 3:59 am

    […] Ingersoll Brings Crowd Sourced Intelligence to Berlin Buzzwords […]

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