SolrCloud Configuration

June 17, 2013

SolrCloud is a set of new distributed capabilities in Solr. It is useful for setting up a highly available, fault tolerant cluster of Solr servers. Systems Architect has a useful guide for configuring the system. Read their advice in the entry, “Painless Guide to Solr Cloud Configuration.”

The article begins:

“’Cloud’ become very ambiguous term and it can mean virtually anything those days. If you are not familiar with Solr Cloud think about it as one logical service hosted on multiple servers. Distributed architecture helps with scaling, fault tolerance, distributed indexing and generally speaking improves search capabilities. All of that is very exciting and I’m highly impressed how the service is designed but… it’s relatively new product.”

Cloud capability is a highly desirable attribute in enterprise search solutions, one that many service providers are rapidly adopting. LucidWorks builds their value-added enterprise search and Big Data solutions on top of the power of Apache Lucene Solr. However, instead of having to configure everything independently LucidWorks offers capability out-of-the-box as well as an award winning support and services network. Both solutions are available for deployment on-site, in the Cloud, or in hybrid form.

Emily Rae Aldridge, June 17, 2013

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