Maximizing ROI from SharePoint

February 18, 2014

With all of the investment SharePoint takes from an organization, many are still not maximizing their returns by making the most of the platform. Read more in the CMS Wire article, “Are You Getting the Maximum ROI from SharePoint?”

The article begins:

“If your company has invested in SharePoint, they have likely put a lot of time, money and resources into its acquisition and deployment. Yet many companies are not realizing the return that they could be on their sizable investment. Most companies do not understand the plethora of features that are available to them, nor how to best leverage the platform to maximize their investment.”

Stephen E. Arnold is an industry leader in search and a follower of the latest SharePoint news and trends. His Web service,, keeps an eye on the pros, cons, ups, and downs of SharePoint.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 18, 2014


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