Tackling a Small SharePoint Cleanup

August 7, 2014

SharePoint cleanup is never fun, regardless of the size of the organization. However, there are ways to make it smoother than expected, and to take a bit of the pain out of the process. CMS Wire gives some advice on this process for small organizations in their article, “One Consultant’s Approach to a Small SharePoint Cleanup.”

The article begins:

“A pilot SharePoint cleanup project is straightforward. A consultant facilitating a small project to clean up a company’s SharePoint intranet can reach the lessons learned phase with a few basic tools. Recall the mantra: simple is elegant. You will require these basic tools: a project proposal, a workbook, a decision tree, a summary report.”

Stephen E. Arnold is also a helpful resource when it comes to SharePoint advice, tips, and tricks. He has made a career out of covering all things search, including SharePoint, and reporting on them via his Web service, ArnoldIT.com. His SharePoint feed is particularly helpful, and SharePoint users and managers for organizations of any size will find it useful. Keep an eye out for any tricks that might be helpful for your organization the next time you are called upon to update or cleanup your SharePoint implementation.

Emily Rae Aldridge, August 07, 2014


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