SharePoint Features to Boost Worker Productivity

February 25, 2014

SharePoint is ultimately all about productivity. All the bells and whistles in the world don’t mean anything unless they contribute to improve performance and productivity. The latest Search Content Management free download addresses the issue in their E-Guide, “Complimentary Download: SharePoint 2013: New Features that Could Boost Worker Productivity.”

The synopsis says:

“Microsoft may have been a little slow in enabling SharePoint for mobile. But SharePoint 2013 sports new mobility features that could boost worker productivity, and your bottom line. This complimentary resource is available to you as a member benefit from”

So if you are a regular follower of SharePoint, a free membership to might not be a bad idea. Steven E. Arnold is also a regular follower of SharePoint, and keeps reader informed on his Web site, His resource is another to bookmark to help you and your organization stay on top of all things SharePoint.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 25, 2014

New Copy and Paste Feature for SharePoint

February 24, 2014

For many SharePoint users, it is the small stuff that makes a big difference in user experience. PortalFront True Apps tries to address one of the small details that makes a big difference in their newest release, Tru Copy & Paste. Read more in the PR Web article, “Copy & Paste Feature Fills SharePoint Gap, Finally.”

The article says:

“Tru Copy & Paste is a SharePoint App that works with SharePoint Online (Office 365) and on premise SharePoint 2013 installations. It enhances the usability of SharePoint by providing the users the ability to move files between folders, document libraries and sites directly within the browser similar to the traditional copy and paste feature found in Windows. It’s that simple. Prior to this, users had to use the ‘Open in Explorer View’ option to complete this which is not always supported.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search. He follows the happenings of SharePoint on his Web service He often finds that even when SharePoint makes major upgrades, it is the small contributions to user experience that matter most. For that reason, many users are turning to third-party add-ons, such as the True Copy & Paste.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 24, 2014

SharePoint 2013 E-Discovery

February 21, 2014

Many organizations are looking for SharePoint to perform outside of its regular boundaries. So for those that are specifically looking for e-discovery capabilities, Search Content Management has good news in their article, “SharePoint 2013 E-discovery Makes Strides in Mining Exchange Server Data.”

The article says:

“SharePoint 2013 offers new integration with Exchange Server, which can ease the burden of e-discovery. E-discovery enables finding, preserving, analyzing and producing content in electronic formats as required by legal proceedings or investigation. SharePoint’s new e-discovery capabilities with Exchange Server are a major boon for records managers tasked with retrieving information in Exchange mailboxes.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime search expert and the man behind He frequently covers the ups and down of SharePoint, and a common theme is users’ desire to get the most mileage out of their SharePoint implementation. For these organizations, the bells and whistles of SharePoint 2013 are going a long way.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 21, 2014

Blackberry Adds SharePoint Access

February 20, 2014

Enterprise is moving toward mobile at a rapid pace, and applications that hope to stay in the game have to adapt. SharePoint has made great strides in mobile in the last two years particularly. And in response, Blackberry is enabling SharePoint mobile functions. Read the story in, “Work Drives for BlackBerry 10 Adds Sharepoint Access for BES Users.”

The article says:

“BlackBerry has updated their Work Drives application to v2.0 today for devices running OS 10.2+. This new version extends the application to allow remote file access to SharePoint sites. This is on top of the network drive access they had in the previous versions. Sadly you still need BlackBerry Enterprise Server 10.2 to use the network shares even though BlackBerry could easily expand the user base for the application by allowing all users to mount network drives.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and follows the latest on SharePoint on his Web site, Arnold finds that organizations are increasingly motivated by mobile technologies, as work and employees is moving increasingly off-site and outside of regular hours.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 20, 2014

Public Facing Web Sites in SharePoint Online

February 19, 2014

There’s more than meets the eye when it comes to SharePoint Online. SharePoint is no doubt the enterprise solution with the largest chunk of the market, but many organizations do not use the implementation to its full potential. Read more in the Search Content Management article, “Creating Public-Facing Websites in SharePoint Online.”

The article says:

“Although SharePoint is probably best known for its user sites and team sites, SharePoint Online supports the creation of a publicly facing website. This SharePoint site is publicly accessible, even to those who do not have an Office 365 account. In fact, some organizations host their corporate website through SharePoint Online.”

Stephen E. Arnold is the man behind and a longtime search expert. His SharePoint research points to customers wants better customization and end-user experience. By expanding SharePoint beyond its regular parameters, such as using it to build a public-facing website, organizations can get more bang for their buck.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 19, 2014

Maximizing ROI from SharePoint

February 18, 2014

With all of the investment SharePoint takes from an organization, many are still not maximizing their returns by making the most of the platform. Read more in the CMS Wire article, “Are You Getting the Maximum ROI from SharePoint?”

The article begins:

“If your company has invested in SharePoint, they have likely put a lot of time, money and resources into its acquisition and deployment. Yet many companies are not realizing the return that they could be on their sizable investment. Most companies do not understand the plethora of features that are available to them, nor how to best leverage the platform to maximize their investment.”

Stephen E. Arnold is an industry leader in search and a follower of the latest SharePoint news and trends. His Web service,, keeps an eye on the pros, cons, ups, and downs of SharePoint.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 18, 2014

Secure Mobile SharePoint Connectivity

February 17, 2014

SharePoint is definitely moving in the mobile direction, but security remains a concern. MobilityShield is hoping to resolve some of those concerns with their newest product release. Read more in the PR Newswire article, “MobilityShield Reveals New Solution for Secure Mobile SharePoint Connectivity.”

The article begins:

MobilityShield, an innovative solution that guarantees secure mobile connectivity, today launched SharePointShield, a new product that guarantees secure mobile connectivity for users of Microsoft SharePoint. The innovative SharePointShield was developed following the successful launch of LyncShield which enables users to safely use approved mobile devices outside the corporate network to connect through Microsoft Lync. The new solution protects organizations that use SharePoint against Active Directory credentials theft, block DoS, DDoS and brute-force attacks, and enforces connection to registered devices.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in all things search, including SharePoint. And while SharePoint has its ups and downs, it’s not going anywhere. That’s why the increasing availability of add-ons improves the usability of satisfaction of SharePoint implementations. More SharePoint news, tips, and tricks can be located on Arnold’s Web site,

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 17, 2014

Quick Apps for SharePoint

February 14, 2014

The name of the game for SharePoint 2013 is customization. And while research shows that customization directly correlates to improve satisfaction with SharePoint, it is a time consuming process. So while companies want to invest in customization, they also welcome tips or tricks to streamline the process. Search Content Management addresses this topic in their article, “Easing SharePoint development with Quick Apps for SharePoint.”

“This feature, which Microsoft calls Apps for SharePoint (formerly Web Apps for SharePoint) reduces in-house application design burdens considerably. Placing code within Apps for SharePoint relieves the app designer from having to code from scratch workflows, metadata access and usage. A custom app can access the existing SharePoint code for that functionality without extra effort.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and frequently covers SharePoint on his Web service, He finds that customization is a highly valued feature of SharePoint 2013, and many companies are looking to third party add-ons to help deliver customization quality and efficiency.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 14, 2014

Hybrid Cloud Options for SharePoint

February 13, 2014

Hybrid clouds involve a combination of a public cloud-based service along with usage of a private cloud system. CMS Wire says that this is a trend that will continue to grow in 2014 and the cover the latest in their article, “Hybrid Clouds for SharePoint: Great, but Not for Everyone.”

The article says:

“The focus has not only been the public cloud, but also the hybrid cloud, which combines public cloud services (like Office 365) and applications / storage located in a private cloud. According to Gartner, it’s this hybrid cloud model that will really find its wings in 2014. Gartner actually predicts that by 2017 over half of the mainstream organizations will have a hybrid cloud.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and often covers SharePoint on his information service, SharePoint and the cloud is a common topic on, as users are intrigued by the Office 365 release. And while the jury is still out on concerns like security and ease of use, the cloud is a trend that is here to stay. The cost of storage continues to drop and users are more and more interested in supported services to streamline workflow.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 13, 2014

Las Vegas Hosts SharePoint Conference

February 12, 2014

Although the nation is currently locked in what seems to be an endless snowstorm, believe it or not, spring is coming. And with spring comes the conference season. One highly anticipated annual conference is SPC14, which will be held this year in Sin City. Read more in the PR Web release, “Intlock Hits Sin City for the Biggest SharePoint Event of the Year: SPC14.”

The article begins:

“With Q1 of 2014 coming to its peak, Intlock will be joining the SharePoint buzz and crowds at SPC14 in Las Vegas from March 3-6, 2013, the largest and most comprehensive of SharePoint conferences held worldwide.”

Intlock is just one of many third party vendors that will be there to showcase the functionality that can be achieved with smart third party solutions are added to a solid SharePoint infrastructure. Stephen E. Arnold, a longtime leader in search and SharePoint, will be keeping an eye on the conference and its major announcements. His information service,, makes SharePoint a common topic for coverage, so SharePoint users should check in frequently for latest in SharePoint news and tips.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 12, 2014

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