Bill Clinton is Keynote Speaker at Upcoming SharePoint Event

February 11, 2014

Who says that IT isn’t showy, or a game of personalities? SharePoint is dispelling this myth with their latest announcement. Read all the details in the WinBeta article, “Microsoft Welcomes Bill Clinton as the Keynote Speaker at SharePoint Conference 2014.”

The article begins:

“The next one [conference] up on the schedule is the SharePoint Conference, which kicks off on Monday March 3rd in Las Vegas, and runs through the 6th. Today the company announces a very special keynote speaker will be getting things started at 8:30am that Monday. President Bill Clinton will take the stage to kick things off.”

And while Bill Clinton may be a powerful personality, Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and a more authoritative voice when it comes to SharePoint. Arnold shares his knowledge on his information service, Stay tuned for all of the latest SharePoint tips and tricks from a professional point of view.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 11, 2014

Efficient eDiscovery with SharePoint

February 10, 2014

Discovery and preservation in SharePoint has long been a time consuming and intense process. However, several good add-on solutions have created a simple and faster method of eDiscovery, including Index Engines’ 5.1 Release. Read more in the PR Web story, “Efficient SharePoint ESI Collection and Preservation Highlights Index Engines’ 5.1 eDiscovery Release.”

The article says:

“Time and access to data for eDiscovery increased with Index Engines’ 5.1 release, which provides litigation support professionals direct indexing of SharePoint for selective culling and collection and also provides support for Exchange 2013 data. Previously, SharePoint extraction was an arduous process that can require the need to copy the data to disk before indexing.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search, and therefore a longtime follower of SharePoint and enterprise search. His information service,, devotes a lot of attention to SharePoint and the latest tips and trends. Arnold often finds that while SharePoint is a large powerful platform, it is not easily customizable and users often turn to smart add-ons to enhance their satisfaction.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 10, 2014

SharePoint Collaborative Features Enhance Decision Making

February 7, 2014

Some of the newest SharePoint collaborative features are getting mixed reviews. However, the ultimate aim is noble, or so says Search Content Management in their article, “SharePoint 2013 Collaboration Features Enhance Enterprise Decision Making.”

The article says:

“SharePoint 2013 includes new collaboration features such as Community Sites and microblogging, which enable formerly siloed workers to interact with one another based on shared interest rather than just because they work in the same department or on the same project — and in ways that mimic familiar social networking sites like Facebook. SharePoint brings together the sites, documents and other information that users care about and helps them share what they know easily.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and devotes a good bit of his attention on to social or collaborative features of SharePoint. And while the technology may be playing catch-up, the need and the idea behind social integration is growing strong.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 7, 2014

Huddle Offers SharePoint Alternative

February 6, 2014

There are many SharePoint alternatives on the market, but only a few that really meet the mark. Furthermore, while many exist, few do more than a small part of the greater SharePoint functionality. So users would have to find themselves cobbling together bits and pieces into a larger system. Huddle is attempting to share in the game despite the environment. Their effort is discussed in the CMS Wire article, “Is Huddle Still a SharePoint Alternative?

The article has this to say about Huddle’s viability:

“’Sure, Huddle is legitimate competition to SharePoint,’ says Rob Koplowitz, SharePoint analyst for Forrester Research. ‘It doesn’t do everything SharePoint does, but in the areas where there is overlap, Huddle is very robust.’ Huddle today launched another tool it claims continues to make its offering an alternative to SharePoint . . . Huddle Office, which is designed to enable workers to collaborate in Huddle’s cloud via their Microsoft Office tools.”

Stephen E. Arnold often looks at SharePoint and SharePoint alternatives on his Web service, He finds that while SharePoint has and will continue to maintain a lion’s share of the market, it is clear that there is room for smart competition.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 6, 2014

SharePoint Governance Woes and Solutions

February 5, 2014

SharePoint governance is an important aspect that’s often overlooked. And while developing a plan on the front is often hard and requires a lot of time, having some well-thought-out in place is invaluable. Read more in the Search Content Management article, “SharePoint Governance Plans Doomed Without Business Buy-in.”

The article begins:

“SharePoint implementers are often stymied when attempting to bring discipline to business processes so that SharePoint can be an effective tool in the first place. It’s about bringing order to chaos, noted Sue Hanley, founder and president of Susan Hanley LLC, in her session on developing SharePoint governance plans at SPTechCon 2013 this week. Failure to design information governance into SharePoint implementation plans can lead to deployments that resemble the ‘Wild, Wild West,’ Hanley said.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and the man behind He spends a lot of attention on SharePoint and governance is not an infrequent topic. If a plan is not in place, extensive customization and fancy training will not do an organization any good. It all begins and ends with a smart plan.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 5, 2014

Metalogix Offers SharePoint Migration Tool

February 4, 2014

SharePoint migration is a consistent problem among SharePoint users. Large updates occur on the Microsoft schedule of every three years and are disruptive at best, devastating at worst. Metalogix is hoping to help tackle this problem with their new product. Read more in the GCN article, “Metalogix Tool Reduces Risk and Cost of SharePoint Upgrades.”

The article begins:

“Preparing for and conducting a platform or software upgrade can be expensive, time-consuming and disruptive for government agencies. Administrators need a clear picture of the current potential risks before they begin a migration of important content. To help agencies better prepare for inevitable upgrades, Metalogix added a new tool to its suite of SharePoint applications that can help administrators reduce the risk and cost associated with migrations in SharePoint.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and often writes on about the latest SharePoint trends and troubles. It is clear from the media coverage that SharePoint isn’t going away, and yet users are clear about their frustration on a number of levels. Metalogix hopes to seize upon both angles and help existing SharePoint customers migrate stress-free.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 4, 2014

Migration SharePoint Issues to Consider

February 3, 2014

There is a lot to consider when organizations weigh their options regarding enterprise content management. If an organization is just coming up, and has no current solution, SharePoint is definitely going to be a consideration. It is the largest player in the market. But other considerations take center stage when an organization has a SharePoint implementation, and needs to know what to do with it. All of these factors are considered in the Search Content Management story, “Migrating to SharePoint On-premises vs. SharePoint Online.”

The article says:

“Organizations that are considering deploying SharePoint must decide whether it makes sense to opt for SharePoint on-premises vs. SharePoint online, a cloud-based service in Microsoft Office 365. At first blush, this might seem like a relatively simple decision, especially given many companies’ skepticism about moving to the cloud, but there are some serious benefits to farming out the management of SharePoint, as well as several potential issues to consider.”

Stephen E. Arnold has made a career out of covering search. His current Web service,, devotes a good deal of attention to SharePoint. As the most popular platform on the market, SharePoint is not waning anytime soon, but users have concerns with customization and implementation. And now that Office 365 has complicated things, users are excited about the potential of the cloud, while still skeptical about security and functionality.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 3, 2014

SharePoint 2013 Migration May Not be as Simple as You Think

January 31, 2014

Data migrations of any kind can be costly, time consuming, and expensive. But a SharePoint conversation has a particularly bad rap. The latest Search Content Management podcast focuses on the issue in their piece, “The Trouble with SharePoint 2013 Migration.”

The overview says:

“In any migration, you have to consider your current environment, as well as governance and architecture concerns. And you need to review your data to determine what you will migrate. In addition to your evaluating your architecture and whittling down legacy information and sites, you need to review your taxonomy and metadata and consider secondary issues such as storage capacity.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search, so he has a vested interested in covering SharePoint on his site, And while he often finds that SharePoint remains the industry leader in enterprise, there are struggles with customization and implementation, especially when a major new release hits. And while good planning benefits more than just a company’s data management, it is especially helpful when so much is at stake.

Emily Rae Aldridge, January 31, 2014

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

Preparing for SharePoint in the Cloud

January 30, 2014

SharePoint Online is getting good reviews, and it is a tempting move for many organizations. However, it is not as simple as just changing platforms. In order to have a successful transition, a little pre-planning is essential. Read more in the ITWeb article, “Are you Ready for SharePoint in the Cloud?

The article begins:

“We’ve all heard lately how migrating a business system, application or solution to the cloud is going to make our lives so much easier and save us money, but is this in fact the case? In principle, cloud might already make sense to you, but let’s explore some practical considerations that need to be taken into account if you’re not sure whether you should be moving to SharePoint in the cloud.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime search expert, and a follower of the ups and downs of SharePoint. He shares the latest news and trends through His SharePoint coverage shows that customers are eager to adopt the Cloud, and the hype is plentiful, but a better-planned switchover will ultimately be the key to an organization’s success.

Emily Rae Aldridge, January 30, 2014

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

SharePoint Mobile Game Gets Serious

January 29, 2014

SharePoint knows that they need to be competitive in mobile in order to stay in the game. And after several dabbles in the mobile arena, many experts are saying that SharePoint’s latest attempts are proving fruitful. Read more in the Search Content Management article, “Is Mobile SharePoint Ready for Prime Time?

The article sums it all up:

“If we can sum up the state of the SharePoint mobile art in a sentence, that sentence would be, it’s the beneficiary of perfect timing. The cloud is opening up just as HTML5 is arriving, and that makes mobile SharePoint a smart choice. There are still some downsides, but SharePoint is finally in the mobile game for real.”

Stephen E. Arnold, a longtime leader in search, keeps a close eye on all things mobile on his information service, SharePoint’s mobile features are a key spotlight for Arnold, and so far the reviews are mixed. However, it is clear that SharePoint is making a real effort this time and that a serious mobile functionality will keep them from being lapped by competitors.

Emily Rae Aldridge, January 29, 2014

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

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