Windows 8 Integration with SharePoint

March 3, 2014

The switchover to Windows 8 has left many organizations wondering what to do about SharePoint integration. At first glance, native SharePoint support within the new operating system seems negligible. However, a few features reveal themselves upon further inspection. Search Windows Server covers the news in their report, “What’s New for Windows 8 Integration with SharePoint?

The article says:

“You may have heard that Microsoft made some changes to the File Explorer in Windows 8.1. Libraries are hidden by default and a link to SkyDrive appears in its place. If you choose to unhide the Libraries, you’ll notice that the Libraries folder contains two Documents folders. One of these folders corresponds to the local PC while the other points to SkyDrive. The point behind all of this is that Microsoft is trying to encourage end users to save documents on SkyDrive rather than on their local computer.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and often covers SharePoint on his information service, Arnold has found that whenever new SharePoint versions are released, or a new Windows OS is released, customers have to adjust to the changes, and user experience often suffers. Focusing on the improvements can often help organizations market the new changes.

Emily Rae Aldridge, March 3, 2014

Figuring out SharePoint Licensing Models

February 28, 2014

SharePoint used to be an on-site installation, but as the cloud emerges in all areas of software, it is also becoming a big factor in SharePoint installations. However, it is not always easy for an organization to determine the best installation for their particular situation. Search Content Management addresses the issue in their article, “Making Sense of SharePoint Licensing Models.”

The article begins:

“Just as the seasons change, the Microsoft licensing landscape has undergone shifts. This is especially true as the company transitions to offer ‘services and devices.’ After years of working primarily as a vendor of software that is installed and run on-premises, Microsoft is moving away from, though not yet abandoning, its traditional model. The new model increasingly emphasizes annuity payments for Software as a Service and services.”

Customers can choose from traditional on-site SharePoint, SharePoint in the cloud and Office 365, and Hosted SharePoint. Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and follower of the latest SharePoint news. On, he has found that while users are eager to utilize the cloud, security and user experience issues are still holding some organizations back.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 28, 2014

Top ECM Tips of 2013

February 27, 2014

Although we are a couple of months into 2014, another “year in review” article is still not a bad idea. These provide a good overview of the best tips and tricks to emerge within a time frame. This particular article focuses on SharePoint and Search Content Management offers it up. Read more in, “The Top Enterprise Content Management System Tips of 2013.”

The article begins:

“With the release of the SharePoint 2013 platform . . . companies are considering migration to the new version for their enterprise content management system, but are also exploring SharePoint Online, the cloud-based version of SharePoint in Office 365. Many want the features available in the on-premises version but also the flexibility of SharePoint in the cloud . . . So it’s no surprise that some of the top ECM tips this year concern how to script in SharePoint 2013, new features in SharePoint 2013 and whether to migrate to on-premises SharePoint or whether to consider SharePoint Online.”

The piece then goes on to list the specific pieces of top learning content that can be found on Search Content Management. SharePoint users and managers might also be interested in the content on Stephen E. Arnold, the site’s mastermind, is a longtime leader in search. His frequent commentary on SharePoint highlights not only the shortcoming and flaws within the program, but more importantly how users are overcoming them.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 27, 2014

SharePoint Features to Boost Worker Productivity

February 25, 2014

SharePoint is ultimately all about productivity. All the bells and whistles in the world don’t mean anything unless they contribute to improve performance and productivity. The latest Search Content Management free download addresses the issue in their E-Guide, “Complimentary Download: SharePoint 2013: New Features that Could Boost Worker Productivity.”

The synopsis says:

“Microsoft may have been a little slow in enabling SharePoint for mobile. But SharePoint 2013 sports new mobility features that could boost worker productivity, and your bottom line. This complimentary resource is available to you as a member benefit from”

So if you are a regular follower of SharePoint, a free membership to might not be a bad idea. Steven E. Arnold is also a regular follower of SharePoint, and keeps reader informed on his Web site, His resource is another to bookmark to help you and your organization stay on top of all things SharePoint.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 25, 2014

New Copy and Paste Feature for SharePoint

February 24, 2014

For many SharePoint users, it is the small stuff that makes a big difference in user experience. PortalFront True Apps tries to address one of the small details that makes a big difference in their newest release, Tru Copy & Paste. Read more in the PR Web article, “Copy & Paste Feature Fills SharePoint Gap, Finally.”

The article says:

“Tru Copy & Paste is a SharePoint App that works with SharePoint Online (Office 365) and on premise SharePoint 2013 installations. It enhances the usability of SharePoint by providing the users the ability to move files between folders, document libraries and sites directly within the browser similar to the traditional copy and paste feature found in Windows. It’s that simple. Prior to this, users had to use the ‘Open in Explorer View’ option to complete this which is not always supported.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search. He follows the happenings of SharePoint on his Web service He often finds that even when SharePoint makes major upgrades, it is the small contributions to user experience that matter most. For that reason, many users are turning to third-party add-ons, such as the True Copy & Paste.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 24, 2014

Quick Apps for SharePoint

February 14, 2014

The name of the game for SharePoint 2013 is customization. And while research shows that customization directly correlates to improve satisfaction with SharePoint, it is a time consuming process. So while companies want to invest in customization, they also welcome tips or tricks to streamline the process. Search Content Management addresses this topic in their article, “Easing SharePoint development with Quick Apps for SharePoint.”

“This feature, which Microsoft calls Apps for SharePoint (formerly Web Apps for SharePoint) reduces in-house application design burdens considerably. Placing code within Apps for SharePoint relieves the app designer from having to code from scratch workflows, metadata access and usage. A custom app can access the existing SharePoint code for that functionality without extra effort.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and frequently covers SharePoint on his Web service, He finds that customization is a highly valued feature of SharePoint 2013, and many companies are looking to third party add-ons to help deliver customization quality and efficiency.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 14, 2014

Las Vegas Hosts SharePoint Conference

February 12, 2014

Although the nation is currently locked in what seems to be an endless snowstorm, believe it or not, spring is coming. And with spring comes the conference season. One highly anticipated annual conference is SPC14, which will be held this year in Sin City. Read more in the PR Web release, “Intlock Hits Sin City for the Biggest SharePoint Event of the Year: SPC14.”

The article begins:

“With Q1 of 2014 coming to its peak, Intlock will be joining the SharePoint buzz and crowds at SPC14 in Las Vegas from March 3-6, 2013, the largest and most comprehensive of SharePoint conferences held worldwide.”

Intlock is just one of many third party vendors that will be there to showcase the functionality that can be achieved with smart third party solutions are added to a solid SharePoint infrastructure. Stephen E. Arnold, a longtime leader in search and SharePoint, will be keeping an eye on the conference and its major announcements. His information service,, makes SharePoint a common topic for coverage, so SharePoint users should check in frequently for latest in SharePoint news and tips.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 12, 2014

Efficient eDiscovery with SharePoint

February 10, 2014

Discovery and preservation in SharePoint has long been a time consuming and intense process. However, several good add-on solutions have created a simple and faster method of eDiscovery, including Index Engines’ 5.1 Release. Read more in the PR Web story, “Efficient SharePoint ESI Collection and Preservation Highlights Index Engines’ 5.1 eDiscovery Release.”

The article says:

“Time and access to data for eDiscovery increased with Index Engines’ 5.1 release, which provides litigation support professionals direct indexing of SharePoint for selective culling and collection and also provides support for Exchange 2013 data. Previously, SharePoint extraction was an arduous process that can require the need to copy the data to disk before indexing.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search, and therefore a longtime follower of SharePoint and enterprise search. His information service,, devotes a lot of attention to SharePoint and the latest tips and trends. Arnold often finds that while SharePoint is a large powerful platform, it is not easily customizable and users often turn to smart add-ons to enhance their satisfaction.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 10, 2014

SharePoint Collaborative Features Enhance Decision Making

February 7, 2014

Some of the newest SharePoint collaborative features are getting mixed reviews. However, the ultimate aim is noble, or so says Search Content Management in their article, “SharePoint 2013 Collaboration Features Enhance Enterprise Decision Making.”

The article says:

“SharePoint 2013 includes new collaboration features such as Community Sites and microblogging, which enable formerly siloed workers to interact with one another based on shared interest rather than just because they work in the same department or on the same project — and in ways that mimic familiar social networking sites like Facebook. SharePoint brings together the sites, documents and other information that users care about and helps them share what they know easily.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and devotes a good bit of his attention on to social or collaborative features of SharePoint. And while the technology may be playing catch-up, the need and the idea behind social integration is growing strong.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 7, 2014

SharePoint Governance Woes and Solutions

February 5, 2014

SharePoint governance is an important aspect that’s often overlooked. And while developing a plan on the front is often hard and requires a lot of time, having some well-thought-out in place is invaluable. Read more in the Search Content Management article, “SharePoint Governance Plans Doomed Without Business Buy-in.”

The article begins:

“SharePoint implementers are often stymied when attempting to bring discipline to business processes so that SharePoint can be an effective tool in the first place. It’s about bringing order to chaos, noted Sue Hanley, founder and president of Susan Hanley LLC, in her session on developing SharePoint governance plans at SPTechCon 2013 this week. Failure to design information governance into SharePoint implementation plans can lead to deployments that resemble the ‘Wild, Wild West,’ Hanley said.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and the man behind He spends a lot of attention on SharePoint and governance is not an infrequent topic. If a plan is not in place, extensive customization and fancy training will not do an organization any good. It all begins and ends with a smart plan.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 5, 2014

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