SharePoint 2013 Migration May Not be as Simple as You Think

January 31, 2014

Data migrations of any kind can be costly, time consuming, and expensive. But a SharePoint conversation has a particularly bad rap. The latest Search Content Management podcast focuses on the issue in their piece, “The Trouble with SharePoint 2013 Migration.”

The overview says:

“In any migration, you have to consider your current environment, as well as governance and architecture concerns. And you need to review your data to determine what you will migrate. In addition to your evaluating your architecture and whittling down legacy information and sites, you need to review your taxonomy and metadata and consider secondary issues such as storage capacity.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search, so he has a vested interested in covering SharePoint on his site, And while he often finds that SharePoint remains the industry leader in enterprise, there are struggles with customization and implementation, especially when a major new release hits. And while good planning benefits more than just a company’s data management, it is especially helpful when so much is at stake.

Emily Rae Aldridge, January 31, 2014

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SharePoint 2013 Podcast

January 21, 2014

SharePoint 2013 offered a lot of out-of-the-box features that were considered freebies to many that were expecting a traditional enterprise content management system. Scott Robinson is a SharePoint expert that offers a rundown via podcast. Read more in the Search Content Management article, “SharePoint 2013 Out-of-the-Box Features.”

The article says:

“According to business intelligence and SharePoint expert Scott Robinson, there are several SharePoint 2013 out-of-the-box features that “seem like freebies if that isn’t what you bought SharePoint for.” Robinson takes us through some of what he considers the biggest gifts of the SharePoint 2013 platform, and a couple of Microsoft’s missteps in the latest release.”

SharePoint’s incorporation of business intelligence and social computing features, as well as SharePoint Online are show stealers for Robinson. Stephen E. Arnold is also an expert in the area, and the brains behind He covers SharePoint through his search news service and offers an objective voice when it comes to enterprise adoption and customization.

Emily Rae Aldridge, January 21, 2014

Evaluating SharePoint 2013 Mobile Features

January 17, 2014

A common theme in the SharePoint discussion of 2013 was mobile. Mobile was everywhere: Twitter feeds, tech blogs, and enterprise news. And while SharePoint has made some strides toward a more pleasant mobile user experience, many are still skeptical. Search Content Management reviews SharePoint’s mobile strivings in their article, “Are SharePoint 2013 Mobile Features up to Snuff?

The article states:

“Thankfully, SharePoint 2013 has vastly improved the mobile experience. One major improvement is the inclusion of the new contemporary view, which is for mobile devices that support HTML5. This approach provides a richer experience than was available in SharePoint 2010. For mobile users with older devices that do not support HTML5, SharePoint defaults to the classic view. For a comparison of contemporary and classic views, check out Microsoft’s site.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and dispenses his professional opinion through his information service, He pays a lot of attention to SharePoint and mobile is a common theme. His opinion would be a good one to consider when debating whether or not to supplement SharePoint with add-ons that enhance the mobile experience.

Emily Rae Aldridge, January 17, 2014

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

Making the Most of SharePoint 2013

December 27, 2013

This holiday season, CMSWire is holding out some love for SharePoint in their article, “A Stolen Kiss for Your SharePoint Governance.” The author, Andrew Bishop, finds that while SharePoint 2013 adoption moves along at a rapid pace, implementation of the improved features of 2013 does not keep this same pace.

Bishop writes:

My first article for CMSWire discussed the exciting new features of SharePoint 2013. There is much to like about this latest release of the Microsoft collaboration wunderkind. In the period since the release I’ve seen a steady move by customers to SharePoint 2013, but not necessarily a big uptake of its new features. This is the case with my own customers, but also what I have heard from other end users and consultants.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and he keeps up with SharePoint at his search news service, Arnold finds that while SharePoint adoption is widespread, users are still widely dissatisfied with implementation. It may be that many do not take full advantage of all the SharePoint features, or that not enough time or energy is given to customization. Keep up with the latest SharePoint news at

Emily Rae Aldridge, December 27, 2013

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

Video App for SharePoint 2013

December 10, 2013

Add-ons for SharePoint are popping up left and right. SharePoint is a huge platform with lots of capabilities, but it does not offer every capability for every enterprise. Qumu adds their name to the long list of add-on providers with their Qumu video app. Advanced Television covers the story in their article, “Qumu launches Qumu Video App for SharePoint 2013.”

The article begins:

“Qumu provides SharePoint users with a superior video streaming experience, comprehensive video transcoding, advanced filtering, unrestricted scalability, live video webcasting and more. The Qumu integration focuses on leveraging native SharePoint services, such as SharePoint workflows and content retention policies, allowing SharePoint to treat video content as a unique content type, minimising IT complexity and cost.”

Stevphen E. Arnold of ArnoldIT, a long time leader in search, often covers SharePoint – its strengths as well as its shortcomings. And while SharePoint may not yet be all things to all people, Arnold has noted that customization does improve adoption and satisfaction. Add-ons may be the sustaining force for SharePoint 2013.

Emily Rae Aldridge, December 10, 2013

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

SkyDrive Pro with SharePoint 2013

December 9, 2013

SharePoint 2013 offers several usability improvements, and chief among them is SkyDrive Pro, although it is often misunderstood. Redmond Magazine helps clear up some of the confusion with their article, “How To Configure and Secure SkyDrive Pro in SharePoint 2013 and Office 365.”

The article begins:

“SkyDrive Pro is a critical addition to SharePoint 2013. It lets you synchronize specific document libraries in SharePoint to your desktop and interact with them locally or online. As the use of tablets, smartphones and multiple computers fueled by the ‘bring your own device’ movement, SkyDrive Pro promises to become an increasingly more important component of SharePoint and Office.”

Ultimately, SkyDrive Pro is a personal library useful for organizing and storing your work documents. Mobile functionality is definitely a feature that more and more organizations want to integrate into their existing enterprise platform, so SkyDrive Pro will be a draw. Stephen E. Arnold of ArnoldIT often covers SharePoint, and one of his frequently noted weaknesses is mobile capability. It seems Microsoft is making small steps in the right direction.

Emily Rae Aldridge, December 9, 2013

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

SharePoint 2013 Hybrid Governance Support

December 6, 2013

SharePoint grows in breadth and depth with every update. SharePoint 2013 offers more features than ever before. However, the time and expertise it takes to customize those features is becoming more and more demanding. For that reason, organizations are looking for add-ons and intuitive customization options without a lot of hassle. PRWeb gives another good option in its latest release, “Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Hybrid Support Highlights New Release of AvePoint DocAve Governance Automation Service Pack 4.”

The release begins:

AvePoint, the leader in governance, compliance, and management solutions for social enterprise collaboration platforms, announced today the latest version of its flagship product for automated service and proactive governance enforcement, DocAve Governance Automation Service Pack (SP) 4, with support for Microsoft SharePoint 2013 hybrid deployments.”

Finding and analyzing all the latest add-ons and SharePoint supplemental services can be exhausting. Many would benefit from a news service that boils down the important stuff. That’s just what Stephen E. Arnold does with ArnoldIT. A long-time leader in enterprise search, his recent attention has turned to enterprise search, and his expertise is invaluable.

Emily Rae Aldridge, December 6, 2013

Vizit Announces SharePoint 2013 Enhancements

December 2, 2013

There is a growing landscape of SharePoint add-ons that provide increased functionality as well as ease of use. Vizit throws its name into the ring with their new release of Vizit Essential. PR Web offers the latest in their article, “Vizit Announces Essential SharePoint 2013 Enhancements.”

The article begins:

“Vizit a leading provider of solutions that enhance SharePoint usability, search, and document reviews announces improved PDF, Email, and SharePoint 2013 Document Library support for its leading SharePoint add-on solution, Vizit Essential™. Vizit continues to build on its legacy of making SharePoint more usable through efficient file previewing and viewing by adding PDF bookmarking support to Vizit Essential.”

There is a definite market for add-ons such as the one offered by Vizit. As SharePoint increases its scope and breadth, customers have to look elsewhere for customization and depth. It is an old rule that you cannot be all things to all people. But SharePoint serves as a good base and customers are increasingly comfortable looking elsewhere for special needs. Steven E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and a SharePoint watcher. His Web service, Beyond Search, is a good way to track the latest in all things enterprise search, including new add-ons.

Emily Rae Aldridge, December 2, 2013

What Is in Store for SharePoint 2013

October 9, 2013

Steve Arnold of Arnold IT, the leading expert in search and content management, turned my attention to the article, “SharePoint 2013 Not Supported On Windows Server 2012 R2 Until SP1-Whenever That Is” on Windows IT Pro. The new Windows Server 2012 is set for deployment on October 18, 2013 with Windows 8.1 and System Center R2. It is meant to fix many of the bugs that came along with Windows 8, but there is a problem with the upgrade: SharePoint 2013 will not be supported on the new server operating system.

Microsoft alerted its users in a blog post that it will eventually be supported in the SharePoint 2013 Service Pack. The problem is that no one knows when that is. Does that sound annoying? It is Microsoft, so it is not new.

Here is the likely explanation to why the SharePoint will not run on the new server OS:

“But, it makes sense when you remember that Microsoft recently proclaimed a “Cloud First” development plan. This means that unless a product update or support need has a Cloud-value focus for Microsoft, it gets pushed down the list of to-dos. Customers can easily utilize SharePoint 2013 in the Cloud instead of running it on-premise, which is just another example of Microsoft gently prodding Enterprises to the Microsoft Cloud.”

Ugh! Arnold recommends we stall the pitchforks and fire burning for now, but it never hurts to revaluate content management plans. Until then give Microsoft the evil eye and mean glares.

Whitney Grace, October 09, 2013

Image Rendition in Display Template for Content Search on Sharepoint 2013

September 12, 2013

The Sharepoint 2013 blog explains how to enhance image results in the post Sharepoint Search Vegas Style, Display Template with Image Renditions. Sharepoint 2013’s Image Rendition enables one to use specific image renditions combined with Channels. This is particularly important when using mobile devices, since smaller images used with Channels allow for a superior performance on websites for mobile devices. This article focuses on the steps needed to use Image Renditions in Display Template for Content Search web part. The article explains that after creating a page and configuring the web part to display only the images desired,

“I opened SharePoint Designer and made a copy of Item_Pictures3Lines.html.
I called the file Item_Picture3vegasLines.html. At line 50, there is a code: var pictureURL = $getItemValue(ctx, “Picture URL”);
I added: var vegasURL=pictureURL + “?RenditionID=5″;

At line 71, I removed a class: <div class=”cbs-picture3LinesImageContainer” id=”_#= pictureContainerId =#_”> This removed class sets image to 100px width and 100px height.

The code looks like this: <div id=”_#= pictureContainerId =#_”>”

From there, the author adds an image title next to the image with the code: <div style=”float:left;margin-bottom:5px;” id=”_#= pictureContainerId =#_”>. (The article also includes the full code for Item_Picture3vegasLines.html.)

Chelsea Kerwin, September 12, 2013

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