Machine Learning on Display at SharePoint Conference 2014

March 20, 2014

SharePoint Conference is always a prime time for Microsoft to make new announcements regarding their ubiquitous platform. And true to form, SharePoint Conference 2014 did not disappoint. Lots of exciting announcements were made, but ComputerWorld focuses on the Office 365 updates in their article, “At SharePoint, Microsoft Talks Up Ambitious Enhancements for Office 365.”

The article begins:

“Microsoft didn’t disappoint with the new and improved capabilities it announced and demonstrated for Office 365 this week, but how well they work in the real world remains to be seen. At its SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas, Microsoft laid out its vision for making Office 365 a more intelligent collaboration suite via new social interactions, APIs (application programming interfaces) and machine learning capabilities.”

It is no surprise that machine learning is a big focus. The article goes on to describe some of the details. A more intuitive and user-friendly platform is no doubt what Microsoft is striving for. Stephen E. Arnold of has long followed SharePoint. He often finds that the major complaints center on efficiency and the high demands of customization. Machine learning could help improve both areas.

Emily Rae Aldridge, March 20, 2014

Big Changes in Store for SharePoint 2013

March 14, 2014

Microsoft is rolling out some big changes for Office 365. Most users won’t be surprised, as it is in response to frequent user requests, but social aspects will be front and center. Read more in the ZDNet article, “Microsoft to Integrate New Social, Machine Learning Technologies into Office 365.”

The article begins:

“Microsoft is about to make some big changes as to how Office 365 looks and works. At the company’s SharePoint 2014 conference . . . executives will preview some of these coming changes — specifically ones involving social and machine-learning technologies that Microsoft is baking into its cloud suite of Office apps. Once these technologies begin rolling out later this year, the lines between Exchange, SharePoint and Yammer will be blurred, and social collaboration will become more of a centerpiece of the more tightly-integrated suite.”

The conference concluded last week and the headlines are starting to roll out with announcements of what users can expect from Service Pack 1. Stephen E. Arnold has been following the news closely, and continues to report on SharePoint through his Web site, As a longtime leader in search, Arnold has seen SharePoint evolve and grow, but customization and training tend to be the two consistent components that make SharePoint work for an organization.

Emily Rae Aldridge, March 14, 2014

Hashtag Help for SharePoint 2013

February 26, 2014

The latest integration of Yammer and other social aspects into SharePoint 2013 has gotten a lot of attention. However, users are still murky on how to integrate the features in a way that improves productivity. Read some good tips in Network World article, “Hashtag Helper: 7 Tips to get More Value from Hashtags in SharePoint 2013.”

The article says:

“The organizations I’m currently working with are seeing some tremendous value leveraging the social capabilities of SharePoint and Yammer . . . However, explaining and getting value from the use of hashtags has been a little more complicated because they don’t work as expected in some scenarios and the concept of a hashtag is just not universally understood by all of our users. With that in mind, here are a few tips for a recipe I’m calling ‘Hashtag Helper’ based on the practical lessons we’ve learned.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and keeps a close eye on SharePoint on his Web site, His research finds that while users are interested in social integration, many are lost when it comes to how to integrate these features. For that reason, many will find this article timely.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 26, 2014

Maximizing ROI from SharePoint

February 18, 2014

With all of the investment SharePoint takes from an organization, many are still not maximizing their returns by making the most of the platform. Read more in the CMS Wire article, “Are You Getting the Maximum ROI from SharePoint?”

The article begins:

“If your company has invested in SharePoint, they have likely put a lot of time, money and resources into its acquisition and deployment. Yet many companies are not realizing the return that they could be on their sizable investment. Most companies do not understand the plethora of features that are available to them, nor how to best leverage the platform to maximize their investment.”

Stephen E. Arnold is an industry leader in search and a follower of the latest SharePoint news and trends. His Web service,, keeps an eye on the pros, cons, ups, and downs of SharePoint.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 18, 2014

SharePoint Collaborative Features Enhance Decision Making

February 7, 2014

Some of the newest SharePoint collaborative features are getting mixed reviews. However, the ultimate aim is noble, or so says Search Content Management in their article, “SharePoint 2013 Collaboration Features Enhance Enterprise Decision Making.”

The article says:

“SharePoint 2013 includes new collaboration features such as Community Sites and microblogging, which enable formerly siloed workers to interact with one another based on shared interest rather than just because they work in the same department or on the same project — and in ways that mimic familiar social networking sites like Facebook. SharePoint brings together the sites, documents and other information that users care about and helps them share what they know easily.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and devotes a good bit of his attention on to social or collaborative features of SharePoint. And while the technology may be playing catch-up, the need and the idea behind social integration is growing strong.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 7, 2014

Forcing a SharePoint Solution

January 28, 2014

Many companies initially adopted SharePoint as a collaborative way to share data, but as SharePoint stretches to include additional features, these same companies are looking to the platform to provide multiple solutions. And while the “one application fits all” approach might be tempting, it is also riddled with complications. Read more in the CMS Wire article, “A Square Peg in Round Holes: Using SharePoint for Multiple Solutions.”

The article says:

“A good business case isn’t enough to make for a solid and powerful SharePoint implementation. To realize the value, it will be important for your organization to embrace the changes required for success. I’d like to highlight some of the potential areas of concern I’ve seen in my work on SharePoint implementations with various organizations and show some ways to get past roadblocks or find detours to help you get to your final destination.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and has followed the SharePoint ups and downs for many years on his service, He finds that SharePoint does well when they keep the main thing (enterprise management) front and center. But when they veer from their main directive, things get a bit dicey.

Emily Rae Aldridge, January 28, 2014

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Increasing SharePoint Productivity

January 24, 2014

SharePoint is no doubt the enterprise content management giant, and yet it is no longer a one-stop-shop for all things enterprise. The information environment is increasingly complex, and managers are looking for increased productivity. CMS Wire covers this topic in their article, “SharePoint Strategy: Focus on Productivity Improvements.”

The article states:

“With an updated platform release, companies often reflect on the state and well-being of their existing investments, asking themselves whether a move to the newest version is necessary, or possible. The same can be said for reviews of SharePoint implementations. A common question from executives to the teams and stakeholders who own and manage SharePoint is ‘How productive are our end users in SharePoint?’”

And executives may not like the answer to that question. Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and follower of SharePoint news. His latest coverage on has focused on how despite the fact that SharePoint is still the leader in the market; companies are looking toward more and more customization in order to achieve efficiency in an increasingly complex work environment.

Emily Rae Aldridge, January 24, 2014

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

SharePoint 2013 Podcast

January 21, 2014

SharePoint 2013 offered a lot of out-of-the-box features that were considered freebies to many that were expecting a traditional enterprise content management system. Scott Robinson is a SharePoint expert that offers a rundown via podcast. Read more in the Search Content Management article, “SharePoint 2013 Out-of-the-Box Features.”

The article says:

“According to business intelligence and SharePoint expert Scott Robinson, there are several SharePoint 2013 out-of-the-box features that “seem like freebies if that isn’t what you bought SharePoint for.” Robinson takes us through some of what he considers the biggest gifts of the SharePoint 2013 platform, and a couple of Microsoft’s missteps in the latest release.”

SharePoint’s incorporation of business intelligence and social computing features, as well as SharePoint Online are show stealers for Robinson. Stephen E. Arnold is also an expert in the area, and the brains behind He covers SharePoint through his search news service and offers an objective voice when it comes to enterprise adoption and customization.

Emily Rae Aldridge, January 21, 2014

SharePoints Top 20 Hits of 2013

January 9, 2014

Last year was a big year for SharePoint, coming off of the release of SharePoint 2013. CMSWire devoted a lot of virtual print space to SharePoint, and is now offering a year in review in their article, “CMSWire’s Top 20 Hits of 2013: SharePoint.”

The article begins:

“SharePoint was one of the topics that attracted a lot of interest in the past year — and just as much controversy. It seems everyone has a view on it and how it should be used. However, there were three big subjects that dominated, and make up the lion’s share of our Top 20 this year: 1) SharePoint Online 2) SharePoint and Yammer and 3) SharePoint in Office 365.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader and expert in all things search, including enterprise. His information service,, devotes a lot of attention to SharePoint. He has also found that users are interested in online deployments and social applications for SharePoint. The last year was a busy one for SharePoint, and it will be interesting to see where 2014 goes as the newness of SharePoint 2013 wears off.

Emily Rae Aldridge, January 9, 2014

Making the Most of SharePoint 2013

December 27, 2013

This holiday season, CMSWire is holding out some love for SharePoint in their article, “A Stolen Kiss for Your SharePoint Governance.” The author, Andrew Bishop, finds that while SharePoint 2013 adoption moves along at a rapid pace, implementation of the improved features of 2013 does not keep this same pace.

Bishop writes:

My first article for CMSWire discussed the exciting new features of SharePoint 2013. There is much to like about this latest release of the Microsoft collaboration wunderkind. In the period since the release I’ve seen a steady move by customers to SharePoint 2013, but not necessarily a big uptake of its new features. This is the case with my own customers, but also what I have heard from other end users and consultants.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and he keeps up with SharePoint at his search news service, Arnold finds that while SharePoint adoption is widespread, users are still widely dissatisfied with implementation. It may be that many do not take full advantage of all the SharePoint features, or that not enough time or energy is given to customization. Keep up with the latest SharePoint news at

Emily Rae Aldridge, December 27, 2013

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

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